Grizzly H3273 instruction manual To use the drill, To install a bit, To change a collet

Page 9

3. >chZgii]ZW^iViaZVhi(¿-^cidi]ZX]jX`! i]Zci^\]iZci]ZX]jX`l^i]i]Z`ZnWn ijgc^c\ ^i XadX`l^hZ# BV`Z hjgZ i]Z W^i l^aacdiejaadji#

To use the drill:

1. 6iiVX]i]Z&$)CEIbVaZfj^X`XdccZXi [^ii^c\idi]ZV^g^caZieaj\#

2. 6iiVX]i]ZYg^aaidVcV^ghjeeanhZiVi.% EH>#

3.=daY i]Z Yg^aa hZXjgZan! VcY jh^c\ i]Z ig^\\ZgidXdcigdaGEB!ZVhZi]Zldg`" ^c\ZcYd[i]ZW^iV\V^chii]Zldg`e^ZXZ l^i]Va^\]i!WjihiZVYnegZhhjgZ#

4. Id gZkZghZ i]Z Y^gZXi^dc d[ i]Z Yg^aa! ejh]i]ZaZkZgYdlcidi]ZGedh^i^dc [dgXdjciZgXadX`l^hZgdiVi^dc#

To avoid accidental starting, disconnect the drill from the air supply when it is not in use.

Die Grinder

Ndjg Y^Z \g^cYZg VXXZeih \g^cY^c\ hidcZh l^i]&¿-dg&¿)h]V[ihVcYXVc\ZcZgViZje id''!%%%GEB#L^i]i]Z^cXajYZY&¿-VcY

&¿) XdaaZih! ndj XVc jhZ i]Z &% VhhdgiZY \g^cY^c\ hidcZh [dg V kVg^Zin d[ \g^cY^c\ X]dgZh#

To install a bit:

1. 9>H8DCC:8I I=: <G>C9:G ;GDB I=:6>GHJEEAN

2. JhZi]Zild^cXajYZYlgZcX]Zhidaddh" Zc i]Z XdaaZi cji! Vh h]dlc ^c Figure 6#

Note: It is not necessary to completely remove the collet nut from the shaft unless you are also changing the collet.



Figure 6.AddhZc^c\i]ZXdaaZi#

3. >chZgi Vi aZVhi &¿' d[ i]Z W^i ^cid i]Z XdaaZi#

4. =VcY i^\]iZc i]Z XdaaZi cji! i]Zc jhZ i]ZXdaaZilgZcX]Zhidi^\]iZci]ZXdaaZi cji#KZg^[ni]Vii]Zidda^c\W^i^hhZXjgZ VcYl^aacdiejaadji#

DO NOT use bits or cutters with a cutting diameter larger than 1". The bit or cutter could break apart under the stresses of high speed use, causing serious personal injury.

To change a collet:

1.9>H8DCC:8I I=: <G>C9:G ;GDB


2.GZbdkZi]ZXdaaZicji[gdbi]Z\g^cYZg! i]ZcgZbdkZi]ZXdaaZi[gdbi]Zh]V[i#

3.>chZgii]ZYZh^gZYXdaaZiVcYi^\]iZci]Z XdaaZicjil^i]i]Z^cXajYZYlgZcX]Zh#

6alVnh iZhi i]Z \g^cYZg dc V hXgVe e^ZXZ d[ bViZg^Va h^b^aVg id i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ# Ig^Va VcYZggdg^hi]ZWZhilVnidYZiZgb^cZi]Z ^YZVahZije#


Image 9
Contents Model H3273 Piece AIR Tool SET Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS BdYZa=,EZXZ6gIddaHZi SafetyUSE Correct AIR Pressure Impact Wrench IntroductionAir Hammer Reversible Air DrillRandom Orbit Sander Die GrinderAir Supply Operations8hZaGZiVcc\Hegc\IVc\ To install a drill bitGZiVcZgHegc\J  9H8DCC8I I= 9GAA GDB I=6GHJEEANTo install a bit To use the drillTo change a collet These procedures should be done after each use Daily MaintenanceTo use the grinder To assemble the sanderTo operate the sander Sander Maintenance12# To change operating modesPSA Aluminum Oxide Sanding Discs 3 Pack Accessories+%gi + -%gi &+ &%%gi , &%gi &, &*%gi &-%gi . %gi =&,++ , . % Accessory PartsDescription Impact WrenchReversible AIR Drill DIE Grinder Description RE F Random Orbit Sander+BdYZa=,EZXZ6gIddaHZi AIR HammerPage Warranty and Returns