i Important: Some of the followingsymbolsmay be used on this tool. Please studythem and learn their meaning.Proper Interpretationof these symbolswill allowyou to operate the tool better and safer.
V | Volts | Voltage |
A | Amperes | Current |
Hz | Hertz | Frequency(cyctesper second) |
W | Watt | Power |
mln | Minutes | Time |
| AlternatingCurrent | Type of currant |
= | Direct Current | Type or a characteristicof current |
no | No Load Speed | Rotationalspeed, at no load |
[] | Class II Construction | |
..Jmln | Per Minute | Revolutions,strokes,surface speed, orbitsetc., per minute |
_lb | Safety Alert | Precautionsthat Involveyour safety |
(_ | Read The Operator'sManual | Tothereduceoperator'stheriskmanualof Injury,thebefore usingthisusermustproductreadand. understand |
| Eye Protection | wear safety gogglesor safety glasseswith side shields |
| Alwaysand full face shieldwhen operating this product. |
(_) | Wet Dondltions Alert | Do not expose to rain or use in damp locations. |
The purposeof safety symbolsis to at'l_ctyourattentionto possibledangers.The safety symbols, andthe explanations with them, deserve your careful attentionand understanding.The safety warningsdo not by themselves eliminate any danger.The instructionsor warningsthey give are not substitutesfor proberacddent preventionmeasures.
A | DANGER: Indicatesan Imminentlyhazardous sltualJon,which, if not avoided,will resultIn death or |
seriousinjury. | |
A | WARNING: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situation,which, if not avoided,cuuid resultin death or |
seriousinjury. | |
A | CAUTION: Indicatesa potentiallyhazardous situation, whch, if not avoided, may result in minor or |
moderate Injury. | |
| CAUTION: (W_'mutSafety Alert Symbol) Indicatesa situationthat may resultIn propertydamage. |