Foran accurate reading of your battery'svoltage before you begin charging it, use the voltmeter as follows:
1.Set the timer to the OFF position, turn the voltage selector switch to 12 or 6 volt, according to the battery you are testing, and then connect the charger as indicated in the "Charging your battery in the vehicle" section on page 9. The charger does not have to be plugged into an outlet.
2.If a battery has recently been charged or in a vehicle that has recently been operated, you may want to turn your headlights on for a few minutes before you read the meter to avoid a false reading from a surface charge. Then turn off the lights, read the meter, and follow the convenient color coding.
| GOOD |
t. Set the VOLT/AMP SELECTOR switch to the OFF
2.Set the BATTERY TEST switch to 12 or 6 volts, according to the battery you are testing.
3.Set timer switch to the OFF position.
4.With the charger properly connected to the battery and chassis, start the engine. Read the battery test meter with the engine at a fast idle. The battery
should be in a good state of charge before doing the test.
5.The voltmeter is divided into three color zones:
A.Green and Ughter Green
C. Red
NOTE: If meter needle reads in the Red or Yellow, the charging system may have a loose belt, a faulty voltage regulator, or a
This test is based on the terminal voltage of the battery, | , Both 6 volt and 12 volt battery sections | are divided | ||||||
If the battery is installed in the vehicle, make sure the | into three color zones: |
| ||||
engine and all accessories are turned off. | A. Green | Good | battery. |
| ||
1. | Set the VOLT/AMP SELECTOR to the OFF position. | B, Yellow | Weak | battery. |
| |
2. | Set the BATTERY TEST switch to 6 VOLT for 6 volt | C. Red | Bad battery. |
| ||
| batteries or 12 VOLT for 12 volt batteries. | NOTE: If the meter | needle | is in the Red or Yellow | ||||
3. | Set the timer switch to the OFF position. | area, the battery may only | need | charging. If, after | ||||
4. | Read lower 6 VOLT BATI'ERYsection of meter for 6 | charging, | the needle still remains | in the | Red or | |||
| volt batteries and read upper 12 VOLT | Yellow area, have the battery tested by a qualified | ||||||
| section for 12 volt batteries. | technician. | The meter needle may point | to the |
lighter Green section of the meter if this test is done on a recently charged battery or a battery from a vehicle that has been operated recently.