Follow these steps when battery is in- stalled in vehicle. A spark near battery may cause battery explosion. To re- duce the risk of a spark near the battery:
a)Position AC power cord and DC output cord to reduce risk of damage by hood, door, or moving engine parts.
b)Stay clear of fan blades, belts, pulleys and other parts that can cause injury to persons.
c)Check polarity of battery posts. Positive battery post usually has a larger diam- eter than the Negative post.
d)Determine which post of battery is grounded (connected) to the chassis. If
Negative post is grounded to the chas- sis (as in most cases), see Item e. If Positive post is grounded to the chas- sis, see Item f.
e)For negative grounded vehicle, connect Positive clamp from charger to Positive ungrounded post. Connect Negative (Black) clamp to vehicle chassis or en- gine block away from battery. Do not connect to carburetor, fuel lines or sheet metal body parts. Connect to a heavy- gauge metal part of the frame or engine block.
Negative (Black) clamp from charger to ungrounded Negative (Black) post of battery. Connect Positive (Red) clamp to vehicle chassis or engine block away from battery. Do not connect to carbure- tor, fuel lines, or sheet metal body parts. Connect to a
g)When disconnecting charger, discon- nect at wall receptacle, remove clamp from vehicle chassis and then remove clamp from battery post.
h)Always disconnect the charger before starting the vehicle.
Follow these steps when battery is outside of vehicle.
a)Check polarity of battery posts. Positive battery post usually has a larger diam- eter than the Negative post,
b)Attach at least a24" long,
o)Connect Positive (Red) charger clamp to Positive post of the battery.
d)Position yourself and free end of the cable as far away from the battery as possible, then connect the Negative charger clamp to the free end of the
cable. Do not face battery when making this final connection.
e)When disconnecting charger, always doso in reverse sequence of connecting procedure and disconnect the first con- nection while as far away from the bat-
tery as possible.
f)A marine (boat) battery must be re- moved and charged onshore. To charge it on board requires equipment specialty designed for marine use.