Air leak fror_S_,fety Valve
Compressorisnotsupply- ingenough airtooperate _ocessorl_s,
Possibledefect in Salety Valve. | (_rate safety valvemanuaJlyby pulting on dngoif | |
| vaJvestill ieaks, it shouldbe re_laced. |
Defective Check Valves. |
| i_move and clean or repl_ce. |
v_,,,,,,,_,,,,,,_ | , , | |
Prolongedexcessive use of air. | 0ecrease amount of air usage. | |
Compressor is not large | enough | Check the accessoryair requimmerd.If it is higher |
for air requirement. |
| than the SCFM or pressure supplied by your a_r |
| compressor, you need a _argercompressor. |
| Restrictedair intake filter. |
| Holetn hose. |
| Cheek Valve restricted., |
| Air leaks. |
| .... |
Molor Wllt Not Rurl | Motor overloadprotectionswitch |
| has tripped° |
| Tank pressure exceeds pressure |
| _witch |
| Wrong gauge wire or length of |
| extensioncord, |
| Check Valvestuck open. |
| Loose electrical connecltonso |
| Possibledefective capacitor, |
| Paint spray on internal motor |
| parts. |
| Possible defective motor, |
| Fuse blown, circuit breaker |
| tripped, |
Cleanor replaceair intakefiller, Do nc_operateIhe air compressorin lhe paint spray area.
Check and replace if required,
Remove snd clean or r_place,.
Tighten fittings, (See Air Leaks Section of _ubleshooting Guide.)
Lit motorcoo! off and overloads_tch wtft auto- n',atlcsllyreseL
Motor will start automatlc_Jiywhen tank 1oreseure drops below
Che¢_ forproper gauge wire and cord length,
Remove and clea.n or replace_
Check wiring connection inside pressure switch and terminal box area.
Return to Sears Service Centertor ir.spectionor replacement if necessary,
Have check,L_ at Sears Service Center. Do not
operate the compressorin the paint spray area, Si_eflammable vapor wartungon p_ge 3.
Have checked at a Ioce_Sears Servlce Center.
t._Che_kfuse box _r btownfuse randreplace if necessary.
2.Check for proper fuse: only 'Fusetren"type T fuses are acceptable,
R_guiator knob - coninu-
OUSsir leak,, Regulator wltl not
| 3, Check for low voltageconditionsandtor proper |
| extensioncord. |
| 4,Disoonnecl the other elec_icaiappliancesfrom |
| ctmult or operate theoompessoron itsown branch |
| cir_uiL |
Pressurerelease vatve on _res. | Bleed the fineby pushingthe leveron thepressure |
sure switch has no1 unloaded | switch to the "Off" position;if the vaive does not |
I_ea0pressure, | open, replace it |
Dirty or damaged re_ju_a_orinter- | Cle_n or r_ptace regulator, or internal parts. |
nal p_,rts, |