K960, K960 Rescue |
| |
Engine |
Cylinder displacement, cu.in/cm3 | 5,7/93,6 | |
Cylinder bore, inch/mm | 2,20/56 | |
Stroke, inch/mm |
| 1,50/38,0 |
Idle speed, rpm |
| 2700 |
Recommended max. speed, rpm | 9300 (+/- 150) | |
Power, kW/ rpm |
| 4,5/9000 |
Ignition system |
Manufacturer of ignition system | SEM | |
Type of ignition system | CD | |
Spark plug |
| NGK BPMR 7A/ Champion RCJ 6Y |
Electrode gap, inch/mm | 0,02/0,5 | |
Fuel and lubrication system |
| |
Manufacturer of carburetor | Walbro | |
Carburetor type |
| |
Fuel tank capacity, US pint/litre | 1,0 | |
Weight |
Power cutter without fuel and cutting blade, kg |
| |
12” (300 mm) |
| 22,9/10,4 |
14” (350 mm) |
| 23,4/10,6 |
16” (400 mm) |
| 25,1/11,4 |
Cutting equipment |
| |
Cutting blade | Max. peripheral speed, m/s | Max. speed of output shaft, rpm |
12” (300 mm) | 80 | 4725 |
14” (350 mm) | 100 | 4725 |
16” (400 mm) | 100 | 3705 |