Thepurposeof safetysymbolsIsto attractyourattention to possible dangers. The safety symbols, and
the explanations with them, deserve your careful attention and understanding. The safety warnings do not by themselves eliminate any danger. The Instructions or warnings they give are not substitutes for proper accident prevention measures.
Indicates danger, warningor caution. •ey be used in conjunctionwith other symbolsor picto- graphs.
DANGER: Failure to obey a safety waming will resultin sedous injuryto yourseffor to others. Always follow the safety precautionsto reduce the dsk of tire, electricshock and personalinjury.
WARNING: Failureto obey a safety waming can resultIn sadous injuryto yourseffor to others. Always follow the safety precautionsto reducethe dskof fire, electdc shock and personal injury.
CAUTION: Failureto obey a safety waming may resultIn propertydamage or personal injuryto yourseffor to others. Always follow the safety precautionsto reducethe flsk of fire, electricshock and personal injury.
NOTE: | Advisesyou of informationor instructionsvital to the operationor maintenanceof the equipment. |
Double insulationis a concept in safety, in electric
power tools,which eliminates the need for the usual
_k WARNING: Do not attempt to operate this tool until you have read thoroughlyand understand
completely all instructions,safety rules, etc. contained in this manual. Failure to complycan result in accidents involvingfire, electdc shock, or serious personal injury. Save owner'smanual and review frequently for continuingsafe
operation, and instructingothers who may use this tool.
KNOW YOUR POWER TOOL. Read the owner's manual carefully. Learn the saw'sapplications
and limitationsas well as the specific potential hazards related to this tool
GUARD AGAINST ELECTRICAL SHOCK BY PREVENTING BODY CONTACT WITH GROUNDED SURFACES. For example; pipes, radiators, ranges, refdgerator enclosures.
KEEP GUARDS IN PLACE and in good working order.
REMOVE ADJUSTING KEYS AND WRENCHES. Get in the habit of checking to see that hex keys and adjustingwrenches are removed from tool before fuming on saw.
Servicingrequiresextreme care and knowledgeof the system and shouldbe performed only by e qualified sawica technician. For servicewe suggestyou retum the tool to your nearest Sears store for repair.Always use odginalfactory replacement parts when servicing.
KEEP THE WORK AREA CLEAN. Clutteredwork areas and work benches invite accidents. DO NOT leave tools or pieces of wood on the saw while it is in operation.
•DO NOT USE IN DANGEROUS ENVIRON- MENTS. Do not usa powertools near gasolineor other flammable liquids,in damp or wet locations,
or expose them to rain. Keep the work area well lit.
visitorsshould wear safety glasses and be kepta safe distancefrom work area. Do not let visitors
contact tool or extension cord while operating.
•DO NOT FORCE THE TOOl- It will do the job better and safer at the rate for which it was
•USE THE RIGHT TOOL. Do not force the tool or attachment to do a job it was not designed for. Don'tuse it for a purposenot intended.