Sioux Tools 5558A manual Putting Into Service

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return tothe 'Off' position when released.

-Always shut off theair supply to the toot and press tha

*On/Off' vatro to 'exhaustthà air from the feed hose

before B a n g , f-ngor adjusting the working

attachmentfitted tothe tool.

-Before using tha too), make sure that a. shut off device has been fitted tothe air supply fine and the position is

known and easily accessible so that the air stippiy to


-Checkho^e andtittings reguSarty for wear.

-Take care against entanglement of the moving parts'of

the tool wHh clothing, hair. ties, cleaning lags, rings, jewelry, watches, b,-ac6tebretc.This could cause the bodyorpartsof8abodytob&drawntowaRisanstIn

contact with ihe movingparts of the toof and 4 6 be very dangerous.

-It is expected that users wilt adopt safe worxing practices and observe all local, regionaland country tegat requirements when instaiting, using or

raatntainittQthe tod,

-Takecare that the exhaust air does not point towardte any other parson or material or substance that could be contaminatedby oil droplets.When first lubricating a tootor if ttw toot exhaust has 3 high oil content, do not allow the exhaust air to come near very ftoi surfaces or flames.

-Neverlay the tool down until the worWng attachment has stopped moving.

-Whenthe toot isnot in use, shirt oft ttÈ air supply and pressthetrigg&^!~wto<facanfeesupptytine.BBte tool is not tobe used for à period of time, first iubricate,

disconnectfrom air supply and store \r\ a dry average room temperature environment.

-If the tool is passed f r m one user to a new w inexperienced user, make sure these (nstrucSonsare


-Donot remove any manufacturer fitted safety devices where fitted, i-e.,wheel guards, safety trigger, speed governors?,etc.

-Whereverpossible, secure workpiice with clampst a

viss,etc.tomaisait rig(<iisoSdoesRotwwe&RngW

work opefaSon. Keep goodbalance at a11times. Do not

stretch or overreach.

-Try to match the too)tothe work operation.Do notuse

aloot thaiistoolight or heavyfor the work operalion.If

in doubt seskadvice.

-In genera.) terms, this toot is not suitable for underwater use or use in wpbsive wivlronmente -

seek advice from manufacturer.

-Try to make sure that the work area is clear to enable

the work task to be performedsafeiy- if practical ansi

possifcis.try to clear unnecessary obst(uc8onsbefore

starting work-

-Always use ah hose and couplings with minimum

working pressure ratings at least 1 112 times the maximumworking pressurerating of Ihetoot.

Foreseen Use Of The~ool-5558A

This toot is &signed tor the purpose of cisamor sandingat a



EpncNng mites and hence Is primarily a finishifig sanding toot. It can be used wfth a variety of grades of 150 mm (6'diameter) abrasive discswhichr according to pad fitted to the tori, can be


D o w s t u s e m t o r i f e r a n y o t & e r ~ t o t h a i f a r w ^ a h a s (wendesignedand use only abrasivediscs as clesenbed.

Work Stations

The too;sfwutsi on!y be usedas a handheld,hand operatedtoot.It


solaftw-&canu$&insawpositions. but beforeany -suctt

use, the operator must be ft) a secure position having a finngrip and tooting and be aware of the safety rules to be obsysd when

using the sander.

Putting Into Service

Air Supply

Use a dean lubricated air supply that will give a measured air

piesswe at the tool o<SO p.aiJ4.2 bat when 9w too*is wnning


andSstPQ'&i. ti is reaanffiewietithat thetoot is connectedtothe air

supply asshown in fiaure 1. Do not connect the tod to the atr line systtsm without incorporatingan easyto reachand operate air shut off valve. The air supply should be lubricated. I1 (S strongly recwiffien(fediftat an ate fatar, rsguiator, lubffcaiar (FRL} useti as stiow> inFfgare3 as ftis wB s^rfy aft,itj&iteitefiaif at*

coffeet pressure to the toot. Details & such equipment can be

obtained from your supplier. If such equipment IS rtot used, then the tool should be I i A h t e d by shuttimi off the air supply to the tool, depressuriang ths fine by pressingthe triggetAewr on the

tool Clfeeonnact Iià ak iine ansi

ffiio me Rose adaptor s

ie.tsp(Ènhi &m!$ of a suitafcfe W d s a f e msiw (liBncating 041

profBmMy incorporating a fust mhibftor. Reconnect loot to air

supply and run tool slowly lor a few seconds to allow air to

circulate the oil. if too)is used frequently. lubricate on daily basis

and if tool starts to stow or tose power,


furwiw fe 60y6iS42 bar.




air sufifty as reconnmeoded.

Appty saoder lightly to ttie work aftd allow the abtasiw doc to wLTate greatcarewhensand"mgaroundsharpedges and surfaces toaw4dthecfiscsna~~i.e.thediscmaybebroughttoanabrupt ssspwcwUSsssSiSy^cwedwhichwScausettÈtoottote*fe^

hati&- It !s &ways ifacof~resflddto use safely gtaasfis and a

breathing mask. The sanding of certain materials may create a

hazarcfous dust which may require ma\breathing equipment.

Ctwck before using the tool. Even 9 tte machine has a b w noise



mteiiatixSagsanctet!"safety ffews Wts recomerKieA

Donot cortinuetouseatwastvedim thatare worn or dogged.Ttife

win make the sanding process heffteiwit and the need to apply




ttanttropad.hairwgutalorlever(42)tehxaiedm(heisxteofttÈ bo~(16).Itcanbeusedtovarythevolume<rfcompressed~rfedto

themotor which wilt vary the speed of thesaoder.



eas%çteanrfwTOSaciwq&iat3tHi#Èfc?miia(Èdte(58)."ntespBt Llock can be set to provute eittiw rotary or orbital action. Slide the

drtve washer (5)ptate h untB Die point falters the races-s inthe pad mounting shaft (9) for rotary action. The counterweight balance pCTrades a titoat when which fiwas a smooth,swirt-iree

Dismantling& Assembly Instructions

DisewiTOCttoo!from air supply.


the W e dimpie on drive washer (5)to engage the hots in the

Side Of mountingpadshah (9) and unscrew pad [I). Carefully re- move the instruction telbof fixed tothe randombalance bwtv (1 11

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