Clean Up
I]Z jceV^ciZY hjg[VXZh VgZ XdViZY l^i] V lVmn d^a id egdiZXi i]Zb [gdb Xdggdh^dc Yjg^c\ h]^e" bZci#GZbdkZi]^hegdiZXi^kZXdVi^c\l^i]Vhda" kZci XaZVcZg dg X^igjh"WVhZY YZ\gZVhZg hjX] Vh
Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and could cause an explosion or fire if used to clean machinery. DO NOT use gasoline or petroleum products to clean the machinery.
Many of the solvents commonly used to clean machinery can be toxic when inhaled or ingest- ed. Lack of ventilation while using these sol- vents could cause seri- ous personal health risks or fire. Take precautions from this hazard by only using cleaning solvents in a well ventilated area.
Site Considerations
Floor Load
GZ[Zgidi]ZMachine Data Sheet[dglZ^\]iVcY [ddieg^ci heZX^[^XVi^dch [dg ndjg bVX]^cZ# HdbZ gZh^YZci^Va[addghbVngZfj^gZVYY^i^dcVagZ^c[dgXZ" bZciidhjeedgiWdi]i]ZbVX]^cZVcYdeZgVidg# HdbZ ldg`WZcX]Zh bVn gZfj^gZ VYY^i^dcVa gZ^c" [dgXZbZci id hjeedgi Wdi] i]Z bVX]^cZ VcY i]Z ldg`e^ZXZ#
Working Clearances
8dch^YZgZm^hi^c\VcYVci^X^eViZYcZZYh!h^oZd[ bViZg^VaidWZegdXZhhZYi]gdj\]ZVX]bVX]^cZ! heVXZ [dg Vjm^a^Vgn hiVcYh! ldg` iVWaZh dg di]Zg bVX]^cZgn! VcY i]Z \gZVi gVc\Z d[ bdkZbZci ^c i]Z BdYZa <,.)+$<,.)+ l]Zc ZhiVWa^h]^c\ V adXVi^dc [dg ndjg bVX]^cZ# HZZ Figure 6 [dg i]Z b^c^bjb ldg`^c\ XaZVgVcXZh d[ i]Z BdYZa <,.)*$<,.)+#
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Figure 6.Ldg`^c\XaZVgVcXZh#
Unsupervised children and visitors inside your shop could cause serious per- sonal injury to themselves. Lock all entrances to the shop when you are away and DO NOT allow unsupervised children or visitors in your shop at any time!