Choosing Speeds
Using the Drill Bit Speed Chart
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Lubrication Suggestions
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Larger bits turning at slower speeds tend to grab the workpiece aggressively. This can result in the operator's hand being pulled into the bit or the workpiece being thrown with great force. Always clamp the workpiece to the table to prevent injuries.
Twist/Brad Point Drill Bits | Soft Wood | Hard Wood | Plastic Brass Aluminum | Mild Steel | ||
1/16" – 3/16" | 3000 | 2500 | 2500 | 2500 | 3000 | 2500 |
13/64" – 3/8" | 2000 | 1500 | 2000 | 1250 | 2500 | 1250 |
25/64" – 5/8" | 1500 | 750 | 1500 | 750 | 1500 | 600 |
11/16" – 1" | 750 | 500 | 1000 | 400 | 1000 | 350 |
Spade/Forstner Bits | Soft Wood | Hard Wood | Plastic | Brass | Aluminum | Mild Steel |
1/4" – 1/2" | 2000 | 1500 |
9/16" – 1" | 1500 | 1250 |
1000 | 750 |
| |
500 | 350 |
| |
Hole Saws | Soft Wood | Hard Wood | Plastic Brass | Aluminum | Mild Steel | |
1/2" – 7/8" | 500 | 500 | 600 | 600 | 600 | 500 |
1" – | 400 | 400 | 500 | 500 | 500 | 400 |
2" – | 300 | 300 | 400 | 400 | 400 | 300 |
3" – | 200 | 200 | 300 | 300 | 300 | 200 |
4" – 5" | 100 | 100 | 200 | 200 | 200 | 100 |
Rosette Cutters | Soft Wood | Hard Wood | Plastic | Brass | Aluminum | Mild Steel |
Carbide Insert Type | 350 | 250 |
1800 | 500 |
| |
Tenon/Plug Cutters | Soft Wood | Hard Wood | Plastic | Brass | Aluminum | Mild Steel |
3/8" – 1/2" | 1200 | 1000 |
5/8" – 1" | 800 | 600 |
Figure 20. 9g^aaW^iheZZYX]Vgi#
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