Grizzly G0720R Machine Storage, Headstock Gib Adjustment,  GZchiVaaiZXdajbclVnXdkZg#

Page 38

Headstock Gib Adjustment


2.AddhZc i]Z ]ZVYhidX` adX` aZkZgh h]dlc ^c

Figure 46.





Figure 46. =ZVYhidX`\^WVY_jhibZci#

3.GZbdkZ i]Z Xdajbc lVn XdkZg hZZ Figure 46[dgadlZgXdajbcaZVYhXgZlVXXZhh#

4. ;dgi]ZO"Vm^hdg]ZVYhidX`\^W!VY_jhiVh[da" adlh/

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5. GZ^chiVaai]ZXdajbclVnXdkZg#


Machine Storage

>[ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^h cdi egdeZgan egZeVgZY [dg hidg" V\Z! ^i bVn YZkZade gjhi dg Xdggdh^dc# JhZ i]Z gZXdbbZcYVi^dch ^c i]^h hZXi^dc id ZchjgZ i]Vi i]Zb^aagZbV^ch^c\ddYXdcY^i^dc[dgaViZgjhZ#

To prepare your machine for storage:

1. GZbdkZ Vcn gZh^YjVa Xjii^c\ [aj^Y [gdb i]Z iVWaZVcYbVX]^cZWdYn#


3. GZbdkZVcnidda^c\[gdbi]Zhe^cYaZ#

4. I]dgdj\]an XaZVc Vaa jceV^ciZY! WVgZ bZiVa hjg[VXZh!i]ZcVeeanVa^WZgVaXdVid[lVnd^a#

5. AjWg^XViZi]ZbVX]^cZVhdjia^cZY^ci]ZajWg^" XVi^dchZXi^dc#

6. GZbdkZWViiZg^Zh[gdbi]ZY^\^iVaYZei]hXVaZ VcYi]Zb^c^Y^\^iVaegdigVXidg#

7. EaVXZ V [Zl bd^hijgZ"VWhdgW^c\ YZh^XXVci WV\h^ch^YZd[i]ZZaZXig^XVaWdm#

8. 8dkZg VcY eaVXZ i]Z bVX]^cZ ^c V Ygn VgZV i]Vi ^h dji d[ Y^gZXi hjca^\]i VcY VlVn [gdb ]VoVgYdjh [jbZh! eV^ci! hdakZcih! dg \Vh# ;jbZh VcY hjca^\]i XVc WaZVX] dg Y^hXdadg eV^ciVcYbV`ZeaVhi^X\jVgYhXadjYn#

9. Il^XZ V nZVg! YZeZcY^c\ dc i]Z VbW^Zci ]jb^Y^in aZkZah ^c i]Z hidgV\Z Zck^gdcbZci! l^eZYdlci]ZbVX]^cZl^i]VgjhiegZkZci^dc XdbedjcY#


Image 38
Contents Model G0720R HEAVY-DUTY Benchtop Milling Machine Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Machine Description IntroductionManual Accuracy Contact Info Identification Heec\9bZchdch BVcHeZXXVidch DeZgVidccd DWhZgkc\ bVXcZgn id gZYjXZ iZ gh` d ZnZ SafetySafety Instructions for Machinery Lidji ZVgc\ egdiZXidc XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh#Children & BYSTANDERS. @ZZe XaYgZc ZghWZXdbZVYhigVXidc#++# Additional Safety for MillsXVjhZaVXZgVidch# Full-Load Current Rating Power SupplyAvailability Circuit RequirementsMinimum Gauge Size 12 AWG Grounding & Plug RequirementsExtension Cords 50 ftUnpacking SetupNeeded for Setup Description QtyInventory Box 1 Figures 3 Qty EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# CleanupBasic steps for removing rust preventative Site Considerations Weight Load Physical EnvironmentElectrical Installation Space AllocationComponents and Hardware Needed Qty Mounting to WorkbenchTest Run To mount the mill to the workbench11. EgZhh iZ BGC8N HIDE Wjiidc id hideiZhecYaZ# Spindle Break-In To break in the machineOperations Operation OverviewControl Panel ControlsGeneral Controls HjWhZXidchIZY\iVahecYaZZ\ihXVaZhdlccFigure Digital Spindle Height GaugeMini Digital Protractor OFF/ON Button Ijgch iZ Y\iVa Z\i \Vj\ZONdgOFF#Ldg`eZXZBViZgVa HeightTo determine the needed RPM To change the spindle positionRemoval Drill Chuck Installation RemovalInstallation 9H8DCC8IBAAGDBEDLG  JchXgZliZYgVlWVgXVe# Collet Installation Removal9H8DCC8IBAAGDBEDLG  I\iZciZZVYhidX`adX`# AZkVidcBdidg Headstock Travel Axis & RotationRaising & Lowering AdlZgAbiHliXJcihhdlcdciZY\iVaYheaVn# Tilting9H8DCC8IBAAGDBEDLG AdX`cjihhdlcc #M6mhIVWaZHideh Table Travel Axis & Y-AxisAxis N6mh=VcYlZZa M6mhHXVaZ# chiVaaiZiVe!VcYVeeaniVeec\ajY# Tapping Mode# GZZgidSelecting Spindle RPMdcPage T10057-Tapping Attachment AccessoriesH8179 G2861-Face Mill G4051-Carbide Insert for Face MillG5641-1-2-3 Blocks G9815-Parallel Set G9765-9-PC. Ball End Mill SetH3022-Measurement Tool Set G9324-Boring Head Combo SetLubrication MaintenanceSchedule AZVYhXgZl Ball OilersItems NeededQty GdciLeadscrews To lubricate the leadscrewsTo replace the batteries Battery ReplacementTo replace the battery Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting AdX`AZkZg \iW GdciW HXgZlMVmh HXgZlNVmh Gib AdjustmentTable Gib Adjustment  dgiZMVmh\W!VYjhiVhdaadlhJeeZgWHXgZl AdX`AZkZgh AdlZgWHXgZl 8dajbcLVn8dkZg Headstock Gib AdjustmentMachine Storage  GZchiVaaiZXdajbclVnXdkZg#Shock HAZARD. Ldg`c\dclgc\iVihXdc WiringWiring Safety Instructions XdbedcZcih#8dcigdaEVcZaHZZPage 40VcY  Wiring OverviewSystem Overview Wiring Diagram Main Power Switch Electrical Components IgVchdgbZg BVcEdlZg HliXBdidg =ZVYhidX`aZkVidcBdidg HVZinhliX#HcXZ&&$&% PartsHead Breakdown Head Parts List DescriptionHead Front Cover Column Breakdown &&$&%Column Parts List Breakdown Table Parts List Label Placement 10. 8dbbZcih HZcYVgooan8ViVad\idVgZcY EaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ$5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7!  Warranty and Returns Order Hours a DAY

G0720R specifications

The Grizzly G0720R is a versatile and powerful wood lathe designed for both novice and experienced woodworkers. This machine stands out in the market due to its robust construction and advanced features, making it suitable for a variety of turning projects, from bowls and vases to furniture components and intricate spindle work.

One of the main features of the G0720R is its 1 HP motor, providing ample power to handle even the hardest woods. The motor is designed for variable speed control, allowing woodworkers to adjust the speed from 600 to 2800 RPM, which offers the flexibility needed for various turning applications. This range enables users to achieve the desired finish and control when working with different materials.

The lathe is constructed with a cast iron bed, which ensures stability and reduces vibrations during operation. This heavy-duty framework contributes to the lathe's overall durability and longevity. Additionally, the steel headstock and tailstock provide further reinforcement, enabling a smooth and secure turning experience.

Another noteworthy characteristic of the Grizzly G0720R is its adjustable tool rest and tailstock. The tool rest can be positioned at various angles, facilitating easier access and improved tool control while shaping the wood. The tailstock features a convenient, quick-release mechanism that speeds up the process of changing workpieces and setting up new projects.

For enhanced user experience, the G0720R also includes a convenient 2-inch dust port. This feature aids in maintaining a clean workspace by effectively removing debris and shavings generated during woodturning. The inclusion of a chuck with a 1" x 8 TPI spindle allows for easy attachment of various accessories, adding to the lathe’s versatility.

Safety features are also prioritized in the design of the G0720R, with a well-placed on/off switch and a sturdy, easy-to-reach emergency stop button, ensuring quick accessibility during operation.

Overall, the Grizzly G0720R is a reliable and efficient wood lathe that combines power, precision, and user-friendly features. Its durability and performance make it an excellent choice for woodworkers looking to elevate their craft, no matter their skill level. Whether you are crafting intricate details or large pieces, the Grizzly G0720R stands as an exceptional tool in the workshop.