Inventory |
| Clean Up |
I]Z[daadl^c\^hVYZhXg^ei^dcd[i]ZbV^cXdbed" cZcihh]^eeZYl^i]ndjgbVX]^cZ#AVni]ZXdbed" cZcihdjiid^ckZcidgni]Zb#
Note: If you can't find an item on this list, check the mounting location on the machine or examine the packaging materials carefully. Occasionally we
Inventory: (Figure 3)Qty
A. 8dVghZ9dlc[ZZY=VcYaZh######################## (
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J.EdlZg;ZZYBVcjVa################################### &
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I]Z jceV^ciZY hjg[VXZh VgZ XdViZY l^i] V lVmn d^aidegZkZciXdggdh^dcYjg^c\h]^ebZci#GZbdkZ i]^h egdiZXi^kZ XdVi^c\ l^i] V hdakZci XaZVcZg dg YZ\gZVhZg!hjX]Vhh]dlc^cFigure 4#;dgi]dg" dj\] XaZVc^c\! hdbZ eVgih bjhi WZ gZbdkZY#
For optimum performance, clean all moving parts or sliding contact surfaces. 6kd^Y X]ad" g^cZ"WVhZY hdakZcih! hjX] Vh VXZidcZ dg WgV`Z eVgih XaZVcZg i]Vi bVn YVbV\Z eV^ciZY hjg[VX" Zh# 6alVnh[daadl i]Z bVcj[VXijgZg»h ^chigjXi^dch l]Zcjh^c\VcnineZd[XaZVc^c\egdYjXi#
Gasoline and petroleum products have low flash points and can explode or cause fire if used to clean machinery. DO NOT use these products to clean the machinery.
Many cleaning solvents are toxic if inhaled. Minimize your risk by only using these products in a well ventilated area.
Figure 3.BdYZa<%*'%^ckZcidgn#
Immediately discard all plas- tic bags and packing materi- als to eliminate choking/suf- focation hazards for children and animals.
Figure 4. 8aZVcZg$YZ\gZVhZghVkV^aVWaZ[gdb