Grizzly G0520 owner manual Using a Drawbar, Securing Tooling With Drawbar

Page 22

Using a Drawbar

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Tools NeededQty

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Securing Tooling With Drawbar

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Figure 17#


Figure 17.9gVlWVg^chZgiZY^cidi]Zhe^cYaZ#

Cutting tools are sharp and can cut your hands. Always protect your hands when handling cutting tools.


3. 8aZVcVlVnYZWg^hVcYd^anhjWhiVcXZh[gdb i]ZbVi^c\hjg[VXZhd[i]ZVgWdgVcYhe^cYaZ#

4. LZVg^c\]ZVknaZVi]Zg\adkZh!Va^\ci]Zaj\h dc i]Z idda^c\ l^i] i]Z hadih dc i]Z he^cYaZ! i]Zcejh]i]Zidda[^gban^cidi]Zhe^cYaZiVeZg idhZVi^ihZZFigure 18#


Figure 18.AVg\ZY^VbZiZgXjiiZgegdeZgan ^chZgiZY^cidi]Zhe^cYaZ#

5. L]^aZ ]daY^c\ i]Z idda ^c eaVXZ! i]gZVY i]Z YgVlWVg^cidi]ZVgWdg#Dcani^\]iZc^ijci^a^i ^hhcj\#

Note: Over-tightening the drawbar could make removing the arbor from the spindle difficult.

Removing Tooling Secured With Drawbar


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Image 22
Contents Model G0520 Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Contact Info IntroductionManual Accuracy Functional Overview %9gaaEgZhhIdentification HadiiZY7VhZMachine Data Sheet Other Specifications  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# 53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2  !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#Additional Safety Instructions for Drill Presses Circuit Requirements 220V OperationSetup Safety Items Needed for SetupUnpacking Inventory Clean Up Inventory QtyMoving & Placing Base Unit Placement LocationSite Considerations Floor LoadBolting to Concrete Floors Mounting to Shop Floor6cXdgHijY AV\HZaY6cXdg7dai To assemble your drill press AssemblyTools NeededQty CZ9dlcZZY=VcYlZZa =VcYaZ 8dccZXiiZbVXcZidiZedlZghdjgXZ# Test RunTo test run the machine HecYaZSpindle Break-In To perform the spindle break-in procedure IjgciZedlZgZZYOFF# Operations Operation SafetyTo install the drill chuck and drill bit Bit6gWdg IVc\HYZJe 9gaa8jX` 12. GZbdkZiZXjX``Zn# %9gaaEgZhh GZbdkZiZXjX``ZngdbiZXjX`# Removing Drill Chuck & BitTo remove the drill chuck and arbor 7diHadih 6a\cZY Ided6gWdgSecuring Tooling With Drawbar Using a DrawbarRemoving Tooling Secured With Drawbar Longitudinal Table Travel Table TravelCross Table Travel To move table around/along the column Head MovementMoving the Table Around/Along the Column To position the head around/along the col- umnPower Feed To operate the longitudinal power feedYgZXidcdiVWaZigVkZa# Depth StopDownfeed Selector HXVaZ Fjaa9d\ EdciZg 6YjhibZci IjbW LZZaChoosing Spindle Speeds Using the Drill Bit Speed ChartLubrication Suggestions Setting Spindle Speed To configure the V-belts for the desired spin- dle speedBasic Drilling Operations T20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736 AccessoriesH8447-Large 3⁄4 Keyless Chuck JT#3 H8203-Professional Drill Bit Sharpening System Quick Release Drill Press Clamps G1872-6 G8079-10 H1127-12Schedule MaintenanceCleaning Protecting LubricationWays, Column, Racks, and Quill Ball OilersLubricant Frequency Qty KZgn-=djgh Ic FjkVaZci DeZgVidc 8dVi LeadscrewsAdlZg8dajbc 8gdhhAZVYhXgZlDownfeed Gears Longitudinal & Cross Power Feed GearingTo lubricate the downfeed gears Motor & Electrical ServiceTroubleshooting Hnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidcSymptom Possible Cause Possible Solution Drill Press OperationsAdjusting Gibs To adjust the gibs8gdhhAZVYhXgZlCji Adjusting BacklashIgZVYh 6YjhibZci 8VeHXgZl Adc\ijYcVaAZVYhXgZlCjiTo adjust the quill return spring tension Quill Return Spring TensionWiring Diagram HecYaZbdidglgc\#Parts Head BreakdownHead Parts List DescriptionBushing Base & Table Breakdown Base & Table Parts List Accessories Breakdown & Parts List Label Placement 8VWcZiBV`Zg =dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcYTTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%