Grizzly G0485 manual Nventory, $Escription, Igure  %-*$%.&WdmckZcidgn#

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G0485 specifications

The Grizzly G0485 is a robust and versatile wood lathe designed to meet the demands of both amateur woodworkers and professional craftsmen. Known for its precision and reliability, the G0485 is a favorite for those who prioritize quality in their woodworking projects.

One of the main features of the Grizzly G0485 is its powerful 2 HP motor, which allows the lathe to handle a wide variety of wood types, from soft to hardwoods, making it suitable for turning bowls, spindles, and other intricate wood projects. The motor operates at multiple speed settings, ranging from 600 to 3,600 RPM, giving users the flexibility to choose the optimal speed for each task. This feature is especially important for achieving high-quality finishes on different wood species.

Another notable characteristic of the G0485 is its cast iron construction, which provides increased stability and durability. This heavy-duty build minimizes vibration during operation, ensuring smooth and accurate turns. Additionally, the lathe features a 16-inch swing over the bed and a 42-inch distance between centers, accommodating a wide range of workpiece sizes. The adjustable tailstock adds further versatility, allowing for efficient and precise adjustments while working on various projects.

The G0485 incorporates advanced technologies to enhance user convenience and safety. The digital RPM readout ensures that woodworkers can easily monitor their speed settings, allowing for improved precision. Moreover, the quick-release tailstock and easy-access switch make setup and operation straightforward, helping users spend more time creating and less time adjusting their tooling.

The lathe also comes equipped with a robust banjo system that features multiple tool rest positions, allowing for easy repositioning and optimal tool access. This adaptability is particularly useful for intricate work and can significantly speed up the turning process.

Safety features included in the Grizzly G0485, such as a removable safety key, ensure that the device is operated within safe parameters, reducing the risk of accidents.

In summary, the Grizzly G0485 wood lathe stands out for its powerful motor, sturdy construction, and user-friendly features. Whether you're crafting a simple spindle or an elaborate bowl, the G0485 provides the performance and reliability needed to bring your woodworking visions to life.