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Image 17
Contents BPDH5510 English Intended use General safety rulesAdditional safety instructions for Hammer Drill Assembly FeaturesAccessories UseService MaintenanceTechnical data BPDH5510Service information Protecting the environment GuaranteeFrançais Sécurité de la zone de travail Utilisation prévueConsignes générales de sécurité Etiquettes apposées sur l’outil Maintenez les outils de coupe aiguisés et propresDescription AccessoiresAssemblage UtilisationDonnées techniques EntretienGarantie Informations sur le service après-venteProtection de lenvironnement ⁄ Ée ΩÉÿG OGƒŸG ΠüØæŸG «ªéà∏d èàæŸG Gòg ÒaƒàHÈàæŸG ΩGóîàSG Iaéseg hCG ɪgEG ÓjóL èàæe…QhódG ∞«¶æàdGh RÉ¡÷ÉH ÁaÉL ¢Tɪb á£b hCG áªYÉfHz 60/50 ~ V ΠªM ¿hóH áYöùdG∞üàæŸG ∞≤ùdG hCGQÉù«dG ¨UCG¿Éª†dG RÉ¡÷ÉH åÑdG¬ë«∏üJ Öéjh IÒÑc IQƒ£N Oƒü≤eÌhôéH ΩGóîàS’G ¢VôZÁcôëàŸG ΩGóîàSÓdArabic Page 90613045 06/2014 Warranty Registration Card

BPDH5510 specifications

The Black & Decker BPDH5510 is a versatile and efficient tool designed for both DIY enthusiasts and professional users. This powerful pancake air compressor stands out in its category due to its impressive combination of portability, performance, and innovative features that cater to a variety of applications.

One of the most notable characteristics of the BPDH5510 is its robust 5.5-gallon pancake tank. This design not only enhances portability but also ensures a stable base during operation. The pancake style tank helps distribute air evenly, maintaining consistent pressure while reducing noise levels, which is often a crucial factor in residential or noise-sensitive environments.

Equipped with a powerful 3.5 HP motor, the BPDH5510 delivers an impressive maximum pressure of 135 PSI. This high pressure is ideal for powering various pneumatic tools, including nail guns, staplers, and airbrushes, making it an ideal choice for both home improvement projects and professional applications. The compressor also features an efficient recovery time, ensuring that it can quickly refill the tank after extended use.

In terms of technology, the Black & Decker BPDH5510 is engineered for easy start-up and reliable operation. The oil-free pump not only eliminates the need for maintenance but also contributes to cleaner airflow. This design ensures that users do not have to worry about oil spills or contamination of the air supply, enhancing the longevity of air-powered tools.

Another significant feature is the integrated handle and lightweight design, which makes it easy to transport from one job site to another. The BPDH5510 also comes with rubber feet that provide stability and minimize vibration during operation, further enhancing user experience and comfort.

For added convenience, the compressor is fitted with multiple outlet ports. This allows users to operate more than one tool simultaneously or easily switch tools without the hassle of replugging. Safety features, such as a thermal overload protector, are also included to guard against overheating, reinforcing reliability during extended use.

Overall, the Black & Decker BPDH5510 air compressor is a well-rounded choice, ideal for a diverse range of tasks. Whether it’s for professional construction use or weekend DIY projects, this tool offers performance, durability, and ease of use, making it a worthy addition to any toolkit.