Replacing Bags
GZeaVXZbZci eaVhi^X adlZg XdaaZXi^dc WV\h VgZ VkV^aVWaZ i]gdj\] <g^ooan Vh BdYZa I'%*)(# GZeaVXZbZci ide Yjhi WV\h VgZ VkV^aVWaZ [dg i]Z
To replace the collection bag:
1. 9>H8DCC:8IB68=>C:;GDBEDL:G
2. BV`Z hjgZ ndj VgZ lZVg^c\ hV[Zin \aVhhZh VcYVgZhe^gVidg#
3. GZaZVhZ i]Z WZai XaVbe hZXjg^c\ i]Z XdaaZX" i^dc WV\! i]Zc jc]dd` i]Z WV\ [gdb i]Z Xda" aZXidg#
4. HZXjgZanXadhZi]Zided[i]ZWV\VcYhV[Zan Y^hedhZ d[ ^i VXXdgY^c\ id adXVa VcY [ZYZgVa hiVcYVgYh#
5. >chiVaaVcZlXdaaZXi^dcWV\#
Cleaning Canister |
Filter |
OE!bdkZi]ZXVc^hiZgXaZVc^c\]VcYaZWVX`"VcY" |
[dgi] id [gZZ i]Z igVeeZY Yjhi eVgi^XaZh [gdb i]Z |
[^aiZgeaZVihhZZFigure 69#I]ZeVgi^XaZhl^aa[Vaa |
^cidi]ZXdaaZXi^dcWV\# |
I]Z gZeaVXZbZci XVc^hiZg [dg i]Z |
idje\gVYZ# |
Figure 69.8Vc^hiZgXaZVc^c\]VcYaZY^gZXi^dch# |
The use of compressed air or liquids to clean the canister filter will damage the filtration pleats of the filter. Use ONLY the cleaning handle or, if necessary, a soft brush to clean the inside of the canister filter.
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