Oki MFR-1100, MFR-2200 manual SmartHeat & Calibration, Warranty

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SmartHeat® & Calibration

Each cartridge or tip is equipped with a self-regulating heater which ‘senses’ its own temperature and tightly maintains its pre-set idle temperature for the life of the heater-tip; all controlled by OK International’s proprietary SmartHeat® Technology. The tip temperature is determined by the inherent metallurgical properties of the heater; no external adjustment or equipment is required. The power delivered to the tip automatically varies in direct response to the thermal load. This eliminates spikes and transients associated with electrically switched elements found in conventional soldering irons. Please feel free to contact your OK International representative with any questions.


OK International warrants the MFR against any defects in materials or workmanship for one (1) year from the date of purchase by the original owner. This Warranty excludes normal maintenance and shall not apply to any opened, misused, abused, altered or damaged items. If the product should become defective within the warranty period, OK International will repair or replace it free of charge at its sole option. The repaired or replacement item will be shipped, freight prepaid, to the original purchaser. The warranty period will start from the date of purchase. If the date of purchase cannot be substantiated the date of manufacture will be used as the start of the warranty period.

The MFR-H2-ST handpiece uses a coil assembly (MFR-CA2) which is a replaceable item. OK International warrants the coil for 30-days regular use.

For contact details for Warranty and Support look for your local office details at: www.okinternational.com

Please visit OK International’s web page (www.okinternational.com) where you will find available information on systems, accessories, technical notes, and more.


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Contents MFR-1100 Series Page Contents and Identification of Features MFR-PS1100 Initial Setup & OperationAlways use tip removal pad for changing tips Auto-Sleep and Auto Off Functions AC Power LEDSystem Specifications LED Indications and Meaning MFR-PS1100Accessories & Spares MFR-H1-SC Soldering tip hand-pieceMFR-H4-TW Precision tweezers hand-piece Warranty SmartHeat & Calibration废弃电子电器设备指令 Weee 2002/96/EC。 系统组成及功能识别 MFR-PS2200LED 指示灯及含义 MFR-H2-ST 焊嘴手柄 MFR-H1-SC 焊嘴手柄MFR-H4-TW 精密镊型手柄 线圈可正常使用 30 天。 電 子 電 機 設 備 管 制 指 令 Weee 2002/96/EC MFR-PS1100 MFR-PS2200 WS1 焊接手柄LED 指 示 燈 與 意 義 MFR-H2-ST 焊 嘴 手 柄 MFR-H1-SC 焊 嘴 手 柄SmartHeat 與 校 準 自第一個買主購買之日起的一年內,OK International 對 MFR 在材料或製成品方面的缺陷廃電気電子機器指令- Weee 2002/96/EC 初期設定および操作 AC 電 源 LED チャンネル LEDハンダおよび再加工チップ/カートリッジ MFR-H2-ST ソルダカートリッジホルダー 전 자 폐 기 물 처 리 지 침 Weee 2002/96/EC Page 설 정 및 작 동 방 법 의 내 용 및 특 징 확 인 MFR-PS1100MFR-H2 MFR-H1 류 수 를 작 업 대 스 펀 지 에 추 가 하 십 시 오 황을 함유하고 있지 않음휴 면 및 자 동 꺼 짐 기 능 AC 전 원 LED변 경 할 경 우 에 는 항 상 팁 제 거 패 드 를 사 용 하 십 시 오 LEDMFR-H1-SC 인 두 팁 핸 드 피 스 서 리 및 예 비 부 품및 리 워 크 팁 과 카 트 리 지 MFR-H2-ST 인 두 카 트 리 지 핸 드 피 스 MFR-H4-TW 정 밀 집 게 핸 드 피 스