Common Terms & Definitions
Work Table: The wood moves through the plan- er on the work table.
Infeed and Outfeed Rollers: Powered rollers that move the wood through the planer.
Cutterhead: The cutterhead holds the knives and spins at 5000 rpm. When wood passes under the cutterhead, material is removed.
Chip Breaker: Spring loaded fingers or bar that presses down on the wood in front of the cut- terhead. The chip breaker prevents excessive chipping caused by the knives.
Snipe: A gouge at the end of the board.
Pressure Bar: Rides on the planed surface behind the cutterhead. Prevents vibration, chattering and snipe.
Bed Rollers: Located in the work table, the bed rollers help wood move through the planer.
Dust Hood: Funnels wood dust and chips into the dust collection system.
Gibs: Metal strips that hold the planer knives in place.
Gib Bolts: Secures the gib to the knife to keep it in place.
G0550/G0551 15" Planer |