Grizzly G0675 owner manual Inspecting Knives, VaaZaliZVXdiZg!egdXZZYidInspecting, Knives#

Page 44

4. AddhZc i]Z Z^\]i ]Zm Wdaih VcY [aVc\Z cjih dcWdi]h^YZhd[i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ!Vhh]dlc^c Figures 63VcY64#

Figure 63.AdXVi^dcd[^c[ZZYiVWaZVY_jhibZci


Figure 64.AdXVi^dchd[i]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ


5. L]^aZ Vc Vhh^hiVci ]daYh i]Z higV^\]iZY\Z dkZgWdi]iVWaZh!a^[idgadlZgi]Z^c[ZZYiVWaZ! i]Zci^\]iZci]Z]ZmWdaihVcYcjihVhcZZYZY hdi]ZgZ^ha^iiaZidcdk^h^WaZ\VeWZilZZci]Z Wdiidbd[i]ZhigV^\]iZY\ZVcYi]Zided[i]Z ^c[ZZYiVWaZ#

6.8dci^cjZ VY_jhi^c\ i]Z ^c[ZZY iVWaZ jci^a ^i ^h eVgVaaZa l^i] i]Z dji[ZZY iVWaZ ^c ZVX] d[ i]Zedh^i^dchh]dlc^cFigure 62#HdbZig^Va VcY Zggdg VcY V \ddY YZVa d[ eVi^ZcXZ l^aa WZ cZZYZY id hjXXZhh[jaan VXXdbea^h] i]^h VY_jhibZci#

Tip: Tighten the front and rear bolts finger tight and tap the table up or down. This will help dial in the adjustment.

7. DcXZi]Z^c[ZZYVcYdji[ZZYiVWaZhVgZeVg"




Inspecting Knives

Tools Needed:Qty

@c^[ZHZii^c\<Vj\Z########################################## & HigV^\]iZY\Z###################################################### &

I]Z]Z^\]id[i]Z`c^kZhXVcWZ^cheZXiZYl^i]i]Z ^cXajYZY`c^[ZhZii^c\\Vj\Z#

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To inspect the knives with the knife setting gauge:

1.9>H8DCC:8I I=: ?D>CI:G$EA6C:G


2. EZg[dgbSteps 2–7 ^cSetting Outfeed Table HeightdcPage 17#

>[i]Zided[i]Z`c^[Z_jhiidjX]Zhi]ZWdiidb d[i]Z\Vj\Zl]Zc^i^hVii]Z]^\]Zhied^ci d[gdiVi^dcdcWdi]h^YZhd[i]ZXjiiZg]ZVY! i]Zci]Vi`c^[Z^hhZiXdggZXian#GZeZVii]^h ^cheZXi^dcl^i]i]Zdi]Zg`c^[Z#

>[ i]Z ide d[ i]Z `c^[Z YdZh cdi idjX] i]Z Wdiidb d[ i]Z \Vj\Z Vh YZhXg^WZY! i]Zc gZhZi i]Vi `c^[Z# 8dci^cjZ id Adjusting/ Replacing Knives on Page 43 GZeZVi i]^h ^cheZXi^dc l^i] i]Z di]Zg `c^[Z WZ[dgZ gZhZii^c\#

3.G:EA68: i]Z [gdci VXXZhh eVcZa VcY i]Z WaVYZ\jVgYVhhZbWan


Image 44
Contents Model G0675 JOINTER/PLANER Combo Machine Ss ,EAD from Leadbased PAINTS Table of Contents Introduction Manual Accuracy Functional OverviewContact Info +,*&%?dciZg$EaVcZg8dbWdBVXcZIdentification %+,*YZciXVidc#Machine Data Sheet Knife Information Jointer  !,7!93 53%3 %!2.2 02/4%#4/ %. /0%2!4.! -!#.%29 BVXcZgn cdhZ XVc XVjhZ eZgbVcZci ZVgc\adhh# 53%3!!2/5.$%$ %84%.3/..#/2$ 2!4%$4&/2/4%-!#.%!-0%2!%2  !,7!93 ,/#+ -/,% !3%33 & 53%$ % %&/2% /0%2!4. -!#.%29#Additional Safety Instructions for Jointers Additional Safety Instructions for Planers Circuit Requirements 220V OperationSetup Items Needed for SetupUnpacking Description QtyInventory Clean Up Box 1 Figure QtyPlacement Location Site ConsiderationsMoving & Placing Base Unit Floor LoadMounting to Shop Floor Bolting to Concrete FloorsTo mount the base to the floor JcaViX iZ bVXcZ ide gdb iZ WVhZ Vi WdiZcYh #Assembly To assemble the machineDust Collection To connect a dust collection hoseSetting Outfeed Table Height To set the outfeed table heightTo test run the machine Jointer Operation SetupdcPage 23#Test Run Belt Break-In Recommended AdjustmentsFactory adjustments that should be verified ON/OFF Button Figure OperationsJointer-Planer ConversiondcPage 22# 6YjhibZci @cdW AdX`AZkZg 7ZkZaAdX`@cdW Jointer-Planer Conversion Planer Operation SetupBasic Planer Controls GZchiVaaiZZcXZ# Jointer Operation Setup9jhiEdgi IjbW@cdW AdX` AZkZg Against Grain Stock Inspection and RequirementsWith Grain Squaring Stock Thickness Planer Specific RulesIZ Xdc AViliVdciZg# GZVYVcYjcYZghiVcY SAFETY, WZ\ccc\dcPage 6# Surface PlaningTo surface plane on the jointer ¿-&¿ HiVgiiZdciZg#  GZeZVi jciaiZZcigZhjgVXZhaVi# GZeZVi jciaiZZcigZZY\ZhaVi# Edge JointingTo edge joint on the jointer Bevel Cutting To bevel cut on the jointerThickness Planer Operation To use the planer EjidchVZin\aVhhZh# ¿¶&¿&+#  HiVgiiZeaVcZg#Accessories IZhZ\aVhhZhbZZi6CHO-,#&%%heZXXVXVciWZiddXVgZjalihdehVZin T20502 T20452 T20503 T20448 T20456 H0736Maintenance CleaningSchedule BeltsAdjusting/Replacing Feed Belts 8VeHXgZlh GdciKZl GZeZVi id gZbdkZ iZ gdci VXXZhh eVcZa# AVi9gkZ7Zai Bdidg EjaaZn AdX`c\Cji™ ZcXZon this page LubricationFence Blade Guard Arm LeadscrewsFeed Roller Chain, Sprocket and Cogwheels AdXVidch#Outfeed Table Table Height Chain & Planer Handwheel=VcYlZZa Ac`V\ZHnbeidb EdhhWaZ8VjhZ EdhhWaZHdajidc ServiceTroubleshooting CdiadX`# WZc\XadhZY# AZkZg# Jointer Table Parallelism Checking Outfeed Table Parallelism XdcXZei# To check outfeed table parallelismCorrecting Outfeed Table to Cutterhead Parallelism Table to Cutterhead ParallelismTo correct outfeed table parallelism  8dcicjZ id Checking Infeed Table ParallelismdcPageAdjusting Infeed Table Parallelism Checking Infeed Table ParallelismTo inspect the knives with the knife setting gauge Inspecting KnivesVaaZaliZVXdiZg!egdXZZYidInspecting Knives#Adjusting/Replacing Knives DjiZZY CZZY\i# \iZc ?VX` HXgZl W7dai WSetting Fence Stops To set the 90˚ fence stop To set the 45˚ fence stopTo adjust feed roller spring tension Spring TensionReplacing Feed Rollers To replace the front and rear feed rollers7daih IVWaZ#To adjust the chain tension Chain Tension13. GZbdkZ iZ Zm lgZcX id gZiZchdc iZ XVc# ViZgXZX`c\XVciZchdc#Planer Table Parallelism Table Parallelism InspectionMaximum Allowable Tolerances Tools NeededQtyTable Parallelism Adjustments To adjust the table parallelism8jiiZgZVY IVWaZ  AdlZgiZiVWaZVcYoZgddjiiZGdiVXVidg# IVWaZ 7VhZWZijgcZYcYZeZcYZcidiZXVc# Anti-Kickback Fingers10. BdkZiZXVcVlVngdbdcaniZhegdX`Zi Wiring Wiring Safety Instructions220 VAC Wiring Overview8jiiZgZVYAbiHliX EdlZgHjeean 8dccZXidc HliX 6hhZbWan ON/OFF Switch Assembly Wiring IdEdlZgHjeean IdAbiHliX IdBdidgComponents Wiring #Bdidglgc\#Parts Table BreakdownMotor Assembly Breakdown DescriptionFrame Breakdown DescriptionFence Assembly Breakdown Feed Gear Assembly Breakdown Feed Gear Assembly Parts List Cutterhead-Feed Rollers Breakdown Access Panels Breakdown Base Breakdown Planer Table Breakdown Planer Table Parts List Labels and Cosmetic Parts=dlYYndjaZVgcVWdjijh4 TTTT 6YkZgihZbZci  Tttt gZcY TTTT 8VgY9ZX`  Tttt LZWhiZ TTTT DiZg8VWcZiBV`Zg IdYVn»h=dbZdlcZgEaVXZ HiVbe =ZgZ $5342!, .# 0/ /8  %,,.!- 7! 22!.49 !.$ 2%452.3 #ALL 4ODAYD&ORO! &2%%