Siemens pa module p03-01 manual Training Objective, Theory In Brief, Advanced Layout Of Uis

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Industry Sector, IA&DT



After working through this module, the students have additional knowledge regarding the design of the user interface of an operator station. They are able to make additional information available on the detail level. To this end, they use adapted message lists and trend curves. The students are able to combine created composites into a user defined object and redesign existing objects as user defined objects. These objects can then be made available for reuse.


In this chapter, some aspects of OS engineering are considered in greater depth. While in chapter P02-01 automatic generation of process images was primarily discussed, now supplementary techniques for designing process control are described.

The flow diagrams (refer to P02-01) are usually arranged in the following hierarchical levels:

Plant display

Area display

Plant section/group display

Detail display

This classification can result from the plant hierarchy. While the upper levels aim for a good overview of the entire plant or corresponding areas, the plant section display and the detail display are to provide considerably more information about the area under consideration to make situation-conforming settings of parameters or fault diagnosis possible.

In addition to detailed information about the current state of the areas under consideration, the representation of process values in curves is particularly helpful to analyzing deviations. In curves, the time characteristics of a process value are represented. With one glance, the operator can immediately read off the following information:

The time when striking changes occurred in the course

Process values at the time mentioned above

Gradients for certain points in time

Dependencies between process values at simultaneous display

Extreme values (when and how large)

Fluctuation range

Set point deviations


Curve displays provide the operator with an expanded basis for decisions regarding control action. If a process value is outside the permissible range, based on the curve the user is informed of process value development in the most recent past and can detect whether the value continues to change for the worse or is improving.

SCE Training Curriculum

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To be used only at Educational and R&D Facilities

PA Module P03-01, Edition 09/2013


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Image 3 Siemens pa module p03-01 manual Training Objective, Theory In Brief, Advanced Layout Of Uis, Industry Sector, IA&DT
Contents PA Module P03-01 Industry Sector, IA&DTfor Integrated Automation Solutions Totally Integrated Automation TIA SCE Training CurriculumNote on Usage Matching SCE Trainer Packages for these curriculumsContinued education Additional information relating to SCETRAINING OBJECTIVE THEORY IN BRIEFADVANCED LAYOUT OF UIS CURVES HIERARCHY OF FLOW DIAGRAMSTHEORY Multi purpose plantThe Purpose of Curves Prehistory Acquisition and Storage of Curve ValuesDesigning Curve Displays Updatesor Analysis Primary TaskCommissioning Process ControlWorking area ACTIVEX CONTROLSUSER DEFINED OBJECTS LITERATUREPROGRAMMING STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONSTASK TRAINING OBJECTIVE2. Then, adapt the settings of the plant hierarchy to the expansion. → Tools → Plant Hierarchy → Settings 4. Then, the block icons have to be generated in the new picture Page 13 of 7. Now, once more activate in the ‘Plant View’ Compile and Download Objects. → SCEPCS7Prj → PLC → Compile and Download Objects 9. Now, in the ‘Component view’, start WinCC by highlighting and opening ‘OS1’. → OS1 → Open Object 11. Now, in the Object Properties, first change the geometry corresponding to your resolution for example, 1024x616 at 1024X768 and the background colors to ‘white’. For the color setting to be accepted, the static in the global color scheme has to be switched to ‘No‘. → Object Properties → Colors → Background color → white → Effects → Global Color scheme → No 12. Next, from the project library, drag in the face plate for reactor R001. → View → Library → Project Library → ReactorV10 Page 18 of value 1000 → Minimum value 0→ 17. Now, the display is positioned exactly over the reactor and some levels are moved to the back Arrange → Within the level → One to back for the stirrer, the heater and the labeling to be visible again then open the Properties for additional adaptations. → Properties 19. Then, select ‘Axis‘. Here, set the attribute ‘Scale‘ to ‘No‘ 21. In the object palette, under the tab ‘Control‘ select the WinCC AlarmControl. Then draw a rectangle with the mouse. → Object palette → Controls → WinCC AlarmControl selection by adding message blocks with the buttons message blocks → Online configuration → Online configuration Do not retain → OK 27. Next, select from the object palette, under the tab ‘Control‘, the WinCC OnlineTrendControl. Then, draw a rectangle with the mouse to position the window for the curve view. → Object palette→ Controls → WinCC OnlineTrendControl Page 26 of Page 27 of Page 28 of Page 29 of Page 30 of 1000 ml. → Value axes → Object name Value axis Temperature → Label C → value Value axis Manipulated variable → Level Value axis Level → OK ‘ReactorR001’ 38. Then, highlight all objects and right click on the selection. Now, select ‘Create customized object‘. → Customized object → Create → StaticText2 Text → OK 44. Next, change the name of the user defined object in the library to click on‘’ for ‘Dynamic’ and then select the tag. → → Tag A1multipurposeplant/ T2reaction/reactorR001/ A1T2L001/ A1T2L001/ MonitorA1T2L001/PV#Value → OK 49. Finally, we should position the faceplates picture blocks correctly, label and save them → → Project Library → customObjectreactorV10 53. In the properties you can now access, under ‘UserDefined’, the selected properties of the customObject. Thus, you created an object with a specific selection of properties that can be used again and again quickly and effectively. → Properties → Object Properties → UserDefined TASKS EXERCISES