Siemens pa module p03-01 manual Activex Controls, Industry Sector, IA&DT, Working area

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Industry Sector, IA&DT


Curves are configured in OS engineering of PCS 7 either by setting up curve groups (Chapter P02-03) or by using configurable ActiveX Controls. PCS 7 provides ActiveX Controls for alarms, curves, and tables. Curves can be used to display time characteristics (Online Trend Control) and also to display dependencies between process values (Function Trend Control).

In the Online Trend Control, two different sources exist for displaying a curve. The first source is the process value that is buffered while the ActiveX Control is active. With this source, the trend can be displayed during monitoring. Here it is important that when ActiveX Control is closed, the values can no longer be called. If the second source is used, the data is taken from the archive (refer to P02-03). The process values taken from there can be displayed again and again. Depending on the time span selected, past data (history) can be called as well as the most recent data (prehistory). These values can be called again as long as they are in the short term archive. The size of the short term archive depends on the configuration as described in chapter P02-03.

Additional ActiveX Controls are the display of process values in tables (Online Table Control) or of the alarms in alarm lists (Alarm Control). Alarm Control receives its data always from the archive while the table, analogous to the Online Trend Control, has different sources.

ActiveX Controls are quite suitable for designing detail displays, since they provide additional information specifically for a detail area. To this end, specific process values for the corresponding detail display or filters for alarm lists can be selected and preconfigured; for example, by means of the attribute Origin. Figure 3 sketches a possibility for designing the detail display.


Detail display of Reactor R001



Message list filtered by Reactor R001





Curve display with process values for Reactor R001





- temperature



- level



- manipulated value of the controller



- ...









Working area

Figure 3: Layout for a detail display

SCE Training Curriculum

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To be used only at Educational and R&D Facilities

PA Module P03-01, Edition 09/2013


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Image 8 Siemens pa module p03-01 manual Activex Controls, Industry Sector, IA&DT, Working area
Contents Industry Sector, IA&DT for Integrated Automation Solutions Totally Integrated Automation TIASCE Training Curriculum PA Module P03-01Matching SCE Trainer Packages for these curriculums Continued educationAdditional information relating to SCE Note on UsageADVANCED LAYOUT OF UIS TRAINING OBJECTIVETHEORY IN BRIEF HIERARCHY OF FLOW DIAGRAMS THEORYMulti purpose plant CURVESThe Purpose of Curves Acquisition and Storage of Curve Values Designing Curve DisplaysUpdates PrehistoryPrimary Task CommissioningProcess Control or AnalysisACTIVEX CONTROLS Working areaLITERATURE USER DEFINED OBJECTSSTEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS TASKTRAINING OBJECTIVE PROGRAMMING2. Then, adapt the settings of the plant hierarchy to the expansion. → Tools → Plant Hierarchy → Settings 4. Then, the block icons have to be generated in the new picture Page 13 of 7. Now, once more activate in the ‘Plant View’ Compile and Download Objects. → SCEPCS7Prj → PLC → Compile and Download Objects 9. Now, in the ‘Component view’, start WinCC by highlighting and opening ‘OS1’. → OS1 → Open Object 11. Now, in the Object Properties, first change the geometry corresponding to your resolution for example, 1024x616 at 1024X768 and the background colors to ‘white’. For the color setting to be accepted, the static in the global color scheme has to be switched to ‘No‘. → Object Properties → Colors → Background color → white → Effects → Global Color scheme → No 12. Next, from the project library, drag in the face plate for reactor R001. → View → Library → Project Library → ReactorV10 Page 18 of value 1000 → Minimum value 0→ 17. Now, the display is positioned exactly over the reactor and some levels are moved to the back Arrange → Within the level → One to back for the stirrer, the heater and the labeling to be visible again then open the Properties for additional adaptations. → Properties 19. Then, select ‘Axis‘. Here, set the attribute ‘Scale‘ to ‘No‘ 21. In the object palette, under the tab ‘Control‘ select the WinCC AlarmControl. Then draw a rectangle with the mouse. → Object palette → Controls → WinCC AlarmControl selection by adding message blocks with the buttons message blocks → Online configuration → Online configuration Do not retain → OK 27. Next, select from the object palette, under the tab ‘Control‘, the WinCC OnlineTrendControl. Then, draw a rectangle with the mouse to position the window for the curve view. → Object palette→ Controls → WinCC OnlineTrendControl Page 26 of Page 27 of Page 28 of Page 29 of Page 30 of 1000 ml. → Value axes → Object name Value axis Temperature → Label C → value Value axis Manipulated variable → Level Value axis Level → OK ‘ReactorR001’ 38. Then, highlight all objects and right click on the selection. Now, select ‘Create customized object‘. → Customized object → Create → StaticText2 Text → OK 44. Next, change the name of the user defined object in the library to click on‘’ for ‘Dynamic’ and then select the tag. → → Tag A1multipurposeplant/ T2reaction/reactorR001/ A1T2L001/ A1T2L001/ MonitorA1T2L001/PV#Value → OK 49. Finally, we should position the faceplates picture blocks correctly, label and save them → → Project Library → customObjectreactorV10 53. In the properties you can now access, under ‘UserDefined’, the selected properties of the customObject. Thus, you created an object with a specific selection of properties that can be used again and again quickly and effectively. → Properties → Object Properties → UserDefined EXERCISES TASKS