Data Capture
for Workforce
in Motion
2.BaracodaListener Interface Description for Developers
A developer interested in using the Java libraries to interface a Baracoda bar code scanner into their own application should implement the BaracodaListener.
The BaracodaListener interface implements 3 constants that indicate the status of device inquiry.
A DeviceClass object is used to indicate the device type of the Baracoda bar code scanner that will be connected to the i605.
The method inquiryComplete is sent when a device discovery is completed.
The deviceConnected method isis used to indicate what type of Baracoda Device is connected to the i605. The deviceDisconnected method is sent to indicate that a selected device was disconnected from the i605.
A barcodeReceived method is used to provide a container for the barcode data and send it to the data’s destination within the application.
BM J2ME for Motorola i605/i615 phones – Installation Guide v1.10 | - 6 - |