Craftsman 315.275 owner manual 2ND Pass Routing, Direction of Feed and Thrust, Thrust Ill

Page 12

Tomakedeepercutsit isthereforenecessaryto makeasmanysuccessivepassesasrequired, loweringthebit1/8inchforeachnewpass.inorderto savetime,doallthecuttingnecessaryatonedepth setting,beforeloweringthebitforthenextpass.This willalsoassurea uniformdepthwhenthefinalpassis

completedSee. Figure 12.





Whenever you are routing a groove, your travel should be in a direction that places whatever guide you are using at the right-hand side. In short, when the guide is positioned as shown in the first part of Figure 13, tool travel should be left to right and counterclockwise around curves. When the guide is positioned as shown in the second part of Figure 13 tool travel should be right to left and clockwise around curves. If there is a choice, the first setup is generally the easiest to use. In either case, the sideways thrust you use is against the guide.




The router motor 8rid bit revolve in a clockwise direction.

This gives the tool a slight tendency to twist (in your hands) in a counterclockwise direction, especially when the motor revs up (as at starting).

Because of the extremely high speed of bit rotation during a "proper feeding" operation, there is very little kickback to contend with under normal conditions. How- ever, should the bit strike a knot, hard grain, foreign object, etc. that would affect the normal progress of the cutting action, there will be a slight kickback -- sufficient to spoil the trueness of your cut if you are not prepared.

Such a kickback is always in the direction opposite to the direction of bit rotation.

To guard against such a kickback, plan your setup and direction of feed so that you will always be thrusting the tool --tohold it against whatever you are using to guide the cut -- in the same direction that the leading edge of the bit is moving. In short, the thrust should be in a direction that keeps the sharp edges of the bit continu- ously biting straight into new (uncut) wood.

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Fig. 13


Image 12
Contents Craftsman Full ONE Year Warranty on Craftsman Router Sears, Roebuck and Co., Dept WA, Hoffman Estates, ILSymbol Meaning Safety Alert Symbol Double InsulationRead ALL Instructions Rules for Safe Operation Do not USE Tool Under Brownout orPanel BIT Straight Bits Bevel Chamfer BitsBIT Round Groove Chamfer Upside Down View of Router Depthindicatorindicator Rings KnowyourrouterINSTALLING/REMOVINGCUTTERS Spindlelock To Lockto Unlock SpindlespindleWRENCHCUI3ER Collet To Loosen Colletnut To TightenDepth of CUT Adjustments Unlock DepthindicatorPoint Depth Adjusting Ring Cutter Inside Subbase Serious injuryBase Depth Indicator Ring Point CUI-rERATZerodepthof CUT Cuiferextended BelowsubbaseRouting Rate of FeedProper Feeding Force FeedingTOO Fast Tooslow TOO Slow FeedingDepth of CUT Depthwidth2ND Pass 2ND Pass RoutingDirection of Feed and Thrust Thrust IllStarting and Ending a CUT Internal Routing Edging with Pilot BitsGuide ROUTER,ORKI Edge RoutingFreehand Routing FREEHANDROUTINGFgRouting with Straight Edge Suebase Routingwithstraightedgeof Subbaseagainstan Edgeguide FigGeneral LubricationExtension Cords Light Bulb Replacement Think safety by thinking aheadProper Care of cunERS Proper Care of ColletPage 36-35 Parts List Craftsman Router Model noSee Back page for Parts Ordering Instructions M. 5 p.m. CST Men. Sat SU-HOGAR