Your TouchCube will enter Display Mode while recharging, scrambling and then solving itself to create a captivating show when you are not playing with it. Recharge your TouchCube by placing it in its included recharging display stand. Make sure the Solve Mode cubie is facing the back of the stand (where you plug in the adapter). The On/Off cubie should face front and line up with the recharge light. Please ensure that the contact points on your TouchCube and recharging display stand are aligned and the Cube fits firmly in the base. When placed properly in the recharging display stand, the recharge light will light up and the Cube will begin Display Mode.
You can double tap any center cubie at this time to turn off
Display Mode. The Cube will continue to charge, but it will not show a light display. Display Mode will also turn off automatically after 15 minutes. Double tap any cubie to turn display mode back on.
NOTE: Please keep the charger plugged in when the TouchCube is in Display Mode to charge the Cube, or you will begin to use the battery’s power supply. If you would like to place the TouchCube on its stand without activating Display Mode,please place it so that the Solve Mode cubie is not facing the back of the stand.
If your TouchCube becomes stuck or frozen at any time, you can reset it without losing your current puzzle. With the On/Off cubie facing up on your TouchCube, press the bottom of the display stand to the upper right set of speaker holes on the Sound Control face (see illustrations shown at right). The TouchCube’s lights will turn off, blink, and then return to its previous saved state.