Ar the Mdin Mcnu, highlight lhe option you'd likc
lmt, then pressrhe E burton
As you highlight an option, a bricl desription o[ !ts con - tents is displayed on thc side of the scrcen.
Selctt a lighter, and travel lo muy loolions . You'll go to thc Fighter Selection S(rccn (sec Fighter Seleclion, pg . t7) . Aq \ou
when rhi\ opliun is selerted . l ou'llsclecr a charatrer aI the Fight - cr Seletrion screen . You'ilfighr onc round at a time against errlr anilahle thararler in the gamc . Hcalth Lronuscsare rewarded al - lcr you vetlctcated opponenls 5 . lO, l5 and lq .
n oi nu" n. a Grunt, Shllter, Sor- of rhc game is to flght ,
die immcdiatcll . To scr a rrap . highlight rhe dcsircd squnrc, pre\s rhc O button m selcrt rherr prcss the E bLrtron . Rcmcmher . a Trdp can onl) l)e set on your sidc ol rhe board .
Che Battles
rhcn pressrhcg burronrr'Indt(cd sciecrion .
Ar":;;"tir';;;,erpoinr . .
rhis arrowr will show lorr which rquarcs uc alailablc Io movc vour fighter . Higlrlight the square vorr will to occupy,
thcn press thc E l)ulton d,:ldinto movc rhe playcr .
On(c lho opposing rharaclers u(cupy the sdtr)esquarc, Lhev will batt lc in KombJt mode lo dc\ ide n ho u ill wirr rlrc square .