Midway 31719269440 Rich!51af Rllt!l!llnfr,,a..r, ComboBreaherSpstcm, Figbt State, VlouesCist

Page 11




ln all Mortal Kombar battlcs, Health Bars irr rhe upper por - tion ol thc \(rc(n mca\urc crch warrior's diminishing Health, Thc meters bcgin caclr round renctLin6; Hcalllt at lUo"b, bul tllc amomt of Hcalth is reriuccd u itlr cach bLow taken . lhe reduc - tion anrount dcpentls on the tvpc oI attrcl . and whcthcr or not it n as blockcd . Whcn a fighter'sH(d Irh Mclcr is dcpJctcd . hc/slrc is Lnorl . r'dout attd thc round Bocs to thc oppon( nt .


At the beginning o( ea . h rourrd . 'y'ou'regiven rhree Comlro Bre,)k -

eh to use lor each round during thc match . Press Forward arrd filh-tt::,i;l::,*i"i,l:ff,i'*T:,i",iil;v,JiBlock.HlIo break the combo . fach time 1ou perlorm a Breal(er .

onc of the icon: will disappear .

ed, lhc Combo Meter bricfly dppedh to display rhe dmorrnl . ol


lilxT; lH,il'"',H*i:J :* il"::1""T.:'

EeuelrEv9l Aduance,rqvqtrLc

In onc playcr Ar(adc mo(le, tlre Lcrcl Adrance screen will ap -

pcu bernccn rnalcies (rr lotlg as \ou'vc son the nlatih) . ll dis - plavs your ncrl opponenl anti thc arourrr and rypc o{ l(oin\ the

maLch is worlh .



played .

figbt State

Your Rcd ihdir ing . Whl


. YouI


Discoverlng and learning fighrcr rnoves are a very imporldnt parl ot thc game . DurinB a match . prcss lhc START hullon lo view rhc Pause Mcnu . SelecLMoves Lisl ro view thc nroves lor your

.haractct. Prcss thc direttional Liulrans F or.* ro cvcle bclween tlrc three fighting styles ard spccjal moves, then pre . ,s I or I to

.. roll through all the moves lor rhaf srylc .


t,tu .. I isr is avdilrble in all gamc modcs . includinq . P . u ... q


Image 11
Contents \ , \ Not open Ecis. s 6eq,liittiilhgatq$les,clemas=tor1ll SavegameseRiri StickDuoilto TitMimory Rnenorysticl RIHOLDswitchMemoryStick USB coanectoaMove Shujinko Iliisatiri,rr Cbe8inilLmt, then pressrhe E burton Arcade€ndurancc Che BattlesRiriltliPili Neiredunlwrth*ll,*,etg!t ThailT!i1fLlqnrlel RtF€st!!-lc.s&lipincrrro,tr,9lq!--iigt&lsahatigr!r5..ii.dlChooselcon Ureatea ProlrlePage Page Rng DandicapHe,Jesasfobmycage,sonyaAla11e,,iaxtd ilriiirrigilrtll,t VlouesCist Rich!51af Rllt!l!llnfr,,a..rComboBreaherSpstcm Figbt StatePage L11 Qitiingriiii!a RftddIFvirsrilrrk.t*i+galevlllr,rirri 6tac,.Miiilttl TiiiiltiiiioLddiildjurp yil\1iil,ilil,iilflj,l.!,T .1jl,..Jl Midway Chicago Port Team\rilETYS0DAY,! -ilflFENTNC.BErsuLT1G FR0Mi?,8 Lnc.S0FIWAII NetBSDTlis mrrantyiis Lrasarisen