receive if you solve this puzzle.
Your Picarat Total
The total number of picarats you have accumulated so far.
About Picarats
Picarats are units that tell you how difficult a puzzle is. When you solve a puzzle, you receive the number of picarats that was displayed on the introductory screen. Collect as many picarats as you can to boost your total and unlock extra content in the Top Secret section in Bonuses (p. 18).
Read the puzzle explanation.
The Touch Screen displays the puzzle explanation. Read it carefully, then touch the screen once to start solving the puzzle.
Enter your answer.
There are various kinds of puzzles, which are solved in different ways. Most puzzles are completed simply by using the stylus, but for some you will receive extra instructions. Certain kinds of puzzle will end automatically when you've arrived at the right answer, others are ended manually by touching a certain icon.