Disney Interactive Studios NTR-AW3E-USA manual Characters, Multiplayer, Captain Jack Sparrow

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One time and possibly future captain of the legendary Black Pearl, Captain Jack Sparrow is a pirate’s pirate. Relying

on his wit, his skill with a sword and a great deal of luck, Captain Jack is one of the sea’s most endearing, and least trustworthy, souls.


Try as he might, Will Turner may have the sword skills of a pirate, but not the cold heart. His good nature makes him a valuable ally, but the pirate blood in his veins can lead to reckless actions.


She’s no damsel in distress—she’s a woman with a mission! Elizabeth is both fast and graceful and wields dual swords that carve her place as a commanding presence.


You can duel with your friends using the multiplayer option. There are ten duel arenas, the Black Pearl and nine other locations. You can duel in the Black Pearl arena at any time. To duel in the other arenas, you must unlock them in the single player game.

To begin a multiplayer duel, start in the Lobby. First, each player must pick a duelist. At any time, you can pick Jack, Will, Elizabeth or Pintel as your duelist. Once you’ve unlocked other duelists in the single player game, they can be used in multiplayer duels.

Each duelist will then pick a weapon from the available list. When each player is ready, the duel begins! At the completion of each duel, both players return to the lobby where they can select a new duelist, location and weapon.



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Contents Instruction Booklet Important Legal Information Contents Getting Started Adventure ModeDueling Mode AT WORLD’S END Main MenuBottom Screen ON-SCREEN DisplayTOP Screen Adventure Mode Adventure MovesDefense WeaponsSpecial Attacks Pirate MoveAdventure Items PICK-UPSAdvanced Touch Screen Attacks DuelingBasic Touch Screen Strokes Duel DefensePicking Locks MINI-GAMESDisarm Arrange MAP FragmentsDeck Your Pirate ShipGearboxes Practice DuelsCargo Hold LIAR’S DiceCAPTAIN’S Quarters BridgeCaptain Jack Sparrow CharactersMultiplayer Will TurnerLIAR’S Dice Careful, skulls are wild and count as any other die value