Log-In Screen
Select a Character
Enter your character name of up to six alphabetical characters. Use the µ and ≤ directional buttons to scroll and the ≈ button to confirm. Use the ∫ directional button to backspace.
Select your character using the directional buttons to scroll and the ≈ button to confirm. You can have multiple characters and save scores for each character.
Saving the Game
Your score, ranking, characters, etc. will automatically be saved to the Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation®2) sold separately. You will need at least 110 KB of free space on your Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation®2).
You should insert the Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation®2) containing any previous game data before starting the game since all game files will be loaded automatically when the game starts. Never turn off the system or remove or insert the Memory Card (8MB)(for PlayStation®2) while the Save screen is displayed or autosaves are occurring.
Autosaves are conducted after each mode is completed and when the game finishes.
1P Games
Challenge Mode
Background skins and music will change as you progress in the game. This game mode does not have a time limit.
Single Skin Mode
Select a background skin and use the skin throughout the entire game. The background skin will not change unless you select a new one. If you have not unlocked any skins (e.g., when playing for the first time), only the first skin will be available for selection.
Time Attack Mode
Choose your own time limit for this game: 60, 180, 300 or 600 seconds. Attain as high a score as possible within your chosen time limit.
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