– Exchange Friend Codes Wirelessly
•If you choose to exchange info via local wireless connection, a list of players available to connect will appear. Choose a player from the list.
User Name
–Your User Name defaults to your DS nickname, or you can enter a , new name.
Wi-Fi Battle
–A list of registered friends will appear on the Opponent Selection screen along with their connection status (waiting / in battle / offline).
–Touch a friend from the list to invite them to a battle. If you have been invited to a battle,, you will be asked to accept or decline.
–The battle begins when both players have accepted.
Free Battle
In Free Battle you will be matched up with any available player worldwide.
Rules of Battle
•Two players face off against each other controlling three teams of two Spectrobes each.
•The system randomly decides which player attacks or defends first.
•Each turn, both players will play one of three
–“Rapid” Game: Press a button repeatedly for a set amount of time.
–“Combo” Game: Press the buttons displayed on the screen at the right time.
–Microphone Game: Follow the displays on screen and talk into , the microphone at the right time.
•After a turn ends, the attacking team will unleash its combination attack and the defending team will produce its barrier and
take damage.
•If the first defending team’s HP drops to zero, that team is removed from battle and the next team takes its place. This continues until all three of a player’s Spectrobe teams are defeated,, and the battle ends.
•The amount of damage is calculated based on the stats of the
Spectrobes and the
•The player with one or more teams remaining at the end is
declared the winner. | 41 |