2Getting Started
Using this Guide
For your convenience, this online User's Guide comes in Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need the latest Adobe® Acrobat® Reader® software available from www.adobe.com.
Many hyperlinks provide easy access to any information you may want. To make it useful in a printed format, too, a - hyperlinked - table of contents and page numbers are provided.
Since this guide was designed to be used online and printed, the quality of some images on screen or in print may be affected.
The organization of this guide is as follows:
Installing the Hardware and Software on page 8 provides instructions for installing your FireGL card, loading the driver and connecting video output devices to your card.
Using Your FireGL Card on page 26 explains how you can take advantage of the advanced features of your FireGL card.
Reference on page 41 provides troubleshooting tips and regulatory compliance information for your card.
HYDRAVISION™ User’s Guide provides information on using HYDRAVISION, a