Table 8: RS232 Interface Specifications
Name | Symbol | Pin Number | Signal Direction |
transmitted data | TxD | 2 | out |
received data | RxD | 3 | in |
request to send | RTS | 8 | out |
clear to send | CTS | 7 | in |
data terminal ready | DTR | 6 | out |
signal ground | SG | 5 | — |
The data protocol is permanently set to 1200 baud ASCII character code, with eight bits per character, one stop bit, and no parity bit. The serial port of the controlling computer must be configured with the same settings.
RS232 Driver Pin Assignment
The RS232 driver pin assignment is shown in Figure 16.
Figure 16: Driver Pin Assignment
Do not exceed 100 mA per driver.
Operation and Query Commands
Operation and query commands control instrument functions and are
Command Parser Rules
•A command consists of a mnemonic (for example, CLOSE) and, if required, a data parameter. The mnemonic and the data parameter must be separated by at least one space.
•Parameters can be entered in various formats; for example, 10, 10.0, and 1.0e1 are all recognized as the same value.
•Commands can be sent in uppercase or lowercase characters.
Programming Guide – 25