5 Submitting Jobs
This chapter describes how to submit jobs on the HP XC system; it addresses the following topics:
•Overview of Job Submission (page 45)
•Submitting a Serial Job Using Standard LSF (page 46)
•Submitting a Serial Job Using
•Submitting a
•Submitting a Parallel Job That Uses the
•Submitting a Batch Job or Job Script (page 49)
•Running Preexecution Programs (page 51)
Overview of Job Submission
On an HP XC system, a job is submitted to
"Summary of the LSF bsub Command Format" provides a summary of the LSF bsub command format.
The format of the bsub command depends on the type of the job, as listed here:
•Serial job; that is, a job that runs on a single core
•A batch job script
The remaining sections describe how to submit a job for each of these job types.
The examples in this section submit the hostname command or a variation of a "hello, world" program. Most examples are run as interactive jobs to display the output.
The examples in this chapter are run on an HP XC system configuration in which lsfhost.localdomain is the virtual IP name of the LSF execution host and nodes
Some examples, particularly those that launch parallel jobs, employ the
-ext "SLURM[slurm-arguments]"
Refer to
The SLURM external scheduler is a
Overview of Job Submission 45