HP File System Extender (FSE) manual Configuring, consolidated FSE system

Page 323

FSE log files 196

multiple libraries implementation 18

FSE backup problems

FSE interprocess communication

troubleshooting 265

configuring 83

FSE command-line interface

configuring, consolidated FSE system 85

using 40

configuring, FSE clients 88

FSE command-line interface (CLI)

configuring, FSE server 85

retrieving detailed information 165

FSE jobs 123

FSE commands

displaying statuses 159

examples 165

listing 157

FSE configuration 3790

monitoring 157

before you start 37

FSE libraries 14

configuring FSE drives 61

FSE log files 196

configuring FSE libraries 61

monitoring 197

configuring FSE media pools 69

viewing 196

configuring FSE partitions 73

FSE Management Console 23

mounting HSM file systems 81

client 24

overview 61

configuring 25

preparing FSE media 79

configuring logging level 27

preparing HSM file systems 70

retrieving detailed information 175

templates 39

server 24

FSE configuration database 39

using 42

FSE configuration files 38

FSE Management Console client

elements 38

offline operational modes 42

FSE configuration templates 293308

online operational modes 42

disk media pools 300

starting 34

FSE drives 296

stopping 34

FSE libraries 294

FSE Management Console GUI

FSE partitions - Deletion part 306

description 44

FSE partitions - General part 301

keyboard shortcuts 59

FSE partitions - Migration part 302

layout 45

FSE partitions - Recall and Allocation part 305

menu bar 53

FSE partitions - Release part 303

object tree 46

FSE system configuration 307

status bar 57

LTO media pools 298

toolbar 56

FSE directory layout 291

FSE Management Console object types 46

FSE disk buffer 124

FSE Management Console objects

extending storage space 176

containers 46

removing file systems 178

FSE Management Console server

unassigning file systems 178

starting 28

FSE disk media 99

stopping 28

local and remote file systems 100

FSE Management Console users 59

performance disk 99

adding 59

specifics 101

displaying 59

FSE drives 15

modifying 59

FSE error codes 283

properties 60

FSE error log

removing 60

examples 212

FSE media 14, 98, 120, 121

FSE log files 196, 212

reusing 120

FSE event log

status check 111, 117, 119

examples 207

unusable 115

FSE log files 196, 207

FSE media operations 207

location 239

FSE media pools 14, 91

FSE hosts

adding media 102

changing IP address 89

configuring 92

FSE implementation

determining configured media pools 95

consolidated implementation 15

duplicating media 104

distributed implementation 16

formatting media 102

maintaining 151

initializing media 103

monitoring 151

media pool types 91

HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide 323

Image 323
Contents HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide File System Extender Software user guide Contents Migration, release, recall, and deletion Managing mediaMonitoring and maintaining FSE Backup, restore, and recoveryTroubleshooting Introduction FSE startup and shut-down problemsDirectory layout B FSE configuration templates Document conventions Convention Element Document conventions and symbolsIntended audience Related documentationDocumentation feedback Subscription serviceHP technical support HP web sitesInfinite file system What is FSE?What is FSE?, FSE basics, FSE architecture, FSE basicsNFS and Cifs support Automatic error detectionLibrary tape compatibility Automatic detection of low storage spaceMigration FSE architectureFSE operations \Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE ReleaseRecall FSE partition FSE componentsDeletion HSM file systemFile System Catalog FSE media poolFSE medium FSE libraryConsolidated implementation FSE implementation optionsFSE drive Distributed implementation Page FSE implementation with multiple libraries FSE daemons services and FSE agentsFse.exe Fse-fsevtmgrFse-hsm Fse-svcFse-bea FSE utility daemons servicesFse-la-s FSE user interfaces FSE command-line interfaceIntroduction to the FSE command-line interface Remove,--list,--show,--status, and so on FSE command listFSE Management Console Accessing the online FSE command-line referenceFSE command Description FSE Management Console client FSE Management Console serverConfiguring the FSE Management Console Var/opt/fse/log/guisrv.log InstallPath%\var\log\guisrv.logInstallPath%\var\cfg\gui\guisrv.users.db InstallPath%\var\log\fse.logParameter Description Configuring the logging levelDebuglevel = -d4 -DAll Debuglevel = -dTrc -DAllD Example of a configured FSE Management Console loggingStarting and stopping the FSE Management Console Starting and stopping the FSE Management Console server# /opt/fse/lbin/guisrv Options Starting the FSE Management Console server on Linux systems# /etc/init.d/guisrv start # /etc/init.d/guisrv stop Stopping the FSE Management Console server on Linux systemsHP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide InstallPath%\binguisrv -F InstallPath%\binguisrv Options\cd %InstallPath%\bin # export DISPLAY=fsemcclient0 \Documents and Settings\Username\Application Data\guicltrcStarting and stopping the FSE Management Console client Starting the FSE Management Console client on Linux systems# guiclt Options Stopping the FSE Management Console client on Linux systemsPage Before you start Configuring FSEFSE configuration file elements Configuration basicsConfiguration files Templates Configuration DatabaseVar/opt/fse/rmdb Configuring a new FSE resourceResource Management Database Var/opt/fse/cfgFsepartition --modify Partition01 MyFile Modifying the configuration of an FSE resourceFsepartition --list --detail Fsepartition --show Partition01 MyFileFsepartition --show PartitionName --history Operational modes of the FSE Management Console client# /opt/fse/bin/guiclt Choosing online operational modeGraphical user interface overview Choosing offline operational modeGUI layout Graphical user interface layoutSystemName Object treePage Configuring FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Configuring FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Configuration dialog box Menu bar contains several menus Menu barNew Connection Menu item action Applicable objects Action description View is displayed ToolbarStatus bar Unreliable Recovery modeOpen UnusableManaging FSE Management Console users FSE Management Console usersKeyboard shortcuts FSE Management Console user properties Configuration procedureConfiguring an FSE resource using an FSE user interface About Scsi identification Overview of the configuration procedurePhase 1 configuring FSE libraries and FSE drives Library and drive configuration procedure Name Library MediaFamily Opt/fse/newconfig. Windows specificName Host ControlDevice LibType MediaFamily Slots Fselibrary --addLibraryCfgFileName DriveIndex Capabilities Host ControlDeviceExample of a library configuration file Library and tape drive configuration examples= LTO # AIT Sony AIT Family # LTO LTO Ultrium MediaFamilyExample of an LTO Ultrium tape drive configuration file Example of an LTO Ultrium Worm tape drive configuration file Name Phase 2 configuring FSE media poolsName MediaFamily PoolType BlockSize VolumeSize Phase 3 preparing HSM file systems\mkdir hsmfsfolder Creating and preparing new HSM file systemsPreparing HSM file systems on the Linux platform Preparing HSM file systems on the Windows platformIntegrating existing file systems on the Windows platform Integrating existing file systems in the FSE implementationIntegrating existing file systems on the Linux platform Configuring a regular FSE partition on the Linux platform Phase 4 configuring FSE partitionsFsepartition --status PartitionName Configuring an FSE partition Click OK Configuring a regular FSE partition on the Windows platform\\?\Volumef6f3e1b6-b2ac-11d7-9c99-00b0d02fadef\ Fsepartition --addPartitionCfgFileName Examples of configuration files for Worm FSE partitions Configuring a Worm FSE partitionFsemedium --format Barcode --force Phase 5 preparing FSE mediaFselibrary --update-inventory LibraryName --rescan Fsemedium --format BarcodeFsemedium --init Barcode --force For forced initialization use the following commandFsemedium --init Barcode Fsesystem --status Phase 6 mounting HSM file systemsMounting HSM file systems on the Linux platform Command generates an output similar to the following \fsepartition --list Reconfiguring FSE interprocess communication\\?\VolumeVolumeGUID\ Mounting HSM file systems on the Windows platformOmniORB.cfg Etc/opt/fse Reconfiguration procedureServices.cfg Etc/opt/fse Var/opt/fse/omniorb. Windows specificHostname = fseserver.fsenet Server = fseserver.fsenet Ordinary LAN connectionPrivate network connection Server = fse-server1.company.comServices.cfg and omniORB.cfg files OmniORB.cfg file, configure the parameters in the sectionServices.cfg file Hostname = fseclient.fsenet Server = fseserver.fsenet Reconfiguring communication on external Linux FSE clientsReconfiguring communication on external Windows FSE clients Changing the IP address of an FSE host Configuring FSE Introduction, FSE media pools, FSE media, Media pool types and their characteristicsIntroduction FSE media poolsMyConfiguration. Linux specific Configuring a media pool# Regular Regular media pool for FSE partition LTOSysVolLocation = None SizeOfSysVol = 0MB Example of an LTO Worm media pool configuration fileFsepool --list --detail Determining the configured media poolsExample of a disk media pool configuration file Managing media Excerpt from the fsepool --list --detail output Checking the status of a particular media poolExcerpt from the fsepool --list output Excerpt from the fsepartition --status output FSE medium volumesFSE media Disk media FSE media typesDisk media LTO Ultrium 3 WormVar/opt/fse/dm/dm000001 Var/opt/fse/dm/dm000002 Local and remote file systems as disk mediaCapacity disk `-- dm000001 Disk media specificsMnt/diskmedium linuxhost.company.comrw,nosquashroot Formatting media Adding media to an FSE media poolSkipping media formatting Medium is formatted using the following commandMedium is initialized using the following command Initializing mediaDuplicating media LTO 1 100 GiB * 2 = 200 GiB Procedure for duplicating mediaHow it works PrerequisitesLTO 2 200 GiB * 2 = 400 GiB LTO 3 400 GiB * 2 = 800 GiB Normal duplicationForced duplication Limitation Reorganizing mediaMedia reorganization process Enabled/mounted Fsemedium --list Barcode --volumeNumber of latest generations parameter Media reorganization parametersExceptions to the reorganizational rule Boundary migration date and time parameterMeaning of the columns is the following Example command outputScanning media for obsolete data Displaying the FSE media pool-based statisticsDisplaying the FSE media-based statistics Job to the command shell for --no-monitoroptionRunning the media reorganization job Fsemedium --list Reusing the recycled medium volumesAn example output is the following 052002 Data 5949 Open, scanned Empty System 1019 Recreating redundant copies of migrated dataRedundant copy recreation process Media Pool Starting redundant copy recreation Command output will be similar to the followingFsemedium --copy-contents Barcode --no-monitor Determining the unusable mediaFsefile -M Filename Resolving situations with no alternative migrated copiesChecking the status of media PoolLTO Open LiblibLTO5 000116 Example output of the fsemedium --list commandExample output of the fsemedium --list --detail command PoolLTO Open LiblibLTO3 000046Status of the medium can be one of the following Changing the condition status of mediaChecking the status of a particular medium Preventing reading from and writing to an FSE medium Closing medium volumesRecreating Fast Recovery Information from media Preventing writing to an FSE mediumFsemedium --remove Barcode Fselibrary --update-inventory command for this purposeFsemedium --recreate-fri Barcode --volume VolumeNumber Removing FSE mediaManaging media HSM lists FSE operation basicsHow does FSE function? PoliciesFSE disk buffer Storage space allocation in an extended FSE disk buffer Hierarchical Storage Manager listsChanges of states of files under FSE PoliciesMinimum file age for migration MinFileAge What is a retried migration?Migration Migration policy parametersMaximum number of files for migration MaxNumMigFiles Minimum wait time for migration MinWaitTimeMaximum wait time for migration MaxWaitTime Minimum number of files for migration MinNumMigFilesWatermarks Default migration policyRelease Example situations that trigger migrationReaching the critical watermark on an HSM file system High watermarkLow watermark Exclusion from releaseLimitations Considerations before configuring exclusion from releaseFilename pattern conventions Special pattern-matching characters Release policy parameters Minimum file size for release MinFileSize Example situations that trigger releaseMigration retention time MigRetentionTime Recall retention time RecallRetentionTimeRecall parameters Default release policyRecall Automatic deletion process Default recall policyRecall timeout RecallTimeout DeletionDirectory paths Path Deletion policy parametersFile expiration time FileExpiration Default deletion policy Examples of a configured deletion policyResource allocation concepts Resource allocationStarting the deletion job Recalling deleted filesSeveral allocation parameters Central FSE resource managerMedia selection by media location ThresholdJobCount = 3/2 * MaxNumDrives System allocation and job priority policySystem allocation and job priority policy parameters Job prioritiesTime step TimeStep Resource allocation threshold ResourceAllocationThresholdPartition allocation and job priority policy parameters Partition allocation and job priority policyDefault partition allocation and job priority policy Maximum number of drives for recovery MaxNumDrivesRecoveryRecovery priority RecoveryPriority Maintenance priority MaintenancePriorityPriority calculation Administrative and backup job priority calculationExample of resource allocation Multiple copyingParallel copying Sequential copying HSM file system access modesLimited Access Mode LAM and Full Access Mode FAM HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Migration, release, recall, and deletion Number of running jobs Procedures in this chapter provide instructions forAbout monitoring and maintaining in FSE Monitoring general FSE implementation statusHost and mount point of the belonging HSM file system Example output of the fsesystem --status commandManaging FSE partitions Monitoring FSE partition statusDisplaying the status of an FSE partition Disabling an FSE partition Example output of the fsepartition --status commandRemoving an FSE partition To enable an FSE partition, do the followingWindows specific Invoke the following command Enabling an FSE partitionRetrieving detailed information for an FSE partition Switching the access mode for an HSM file systemMonitoring FSE jobs Switching to Limited Access ModeSwitching to Full Access Mode Limited Access Mode error messagesFsejob --list --maint PartitionName --detail Example output of the fsejob --list commandExample output of the fsejob --list --detail command Fsejob --status JobID Displaying the status of a particular FSE jobRecalling older generations of a file Example output of the fsejob --status commandExample output of the fsefile --history command Example of recall by file ID instead of filename Recalling sets of files in an efficient wayExample of recall by date Example of recall by file migration ID512MBc, and 512MBd Command fsefile --recall --ifEfficient recall invocation Logging file recallsManaging FSE recall jobs Example excerpt from the FSE error log fileRetrieving detailed information Fsepool --list Fsemedium --list --volumeFselibrary --list Fsedrive --listName Drv01 Family ScsiAc3050b1-a838-458e-9a21-d3d3429cade9 UsageCount 137 Capabilities Key Name Drv02 FamilyPool Pool01 47b5fddc-03f7-4b80-8dab-5d2f6fe18cc1 33d4ef52-7ec8-4926-97f9-909edfe66c41HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide 1acf6a41-a23f-4836-9e4d-539d31ad572f Barcode 000009 VolNumCfe954e0-21bb-428b-84fa-076754539f76 Eca50ba5-f068-4650-a587-945fcffda2878920cdd9-57ee-4f2e-a09a-d701249c6434 B8e4d73b-890c-41d0-bb20-eefe19d3f057Bfca4697-a1e0-4881-ba12-953acbb72a02 LastVer 1970/01/01 ValidData TotalDataPartition Part01 583Monitoring and maintaining FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Extending storage space of FSE disk buffer Benefits of extended FSE disk buffer How to extend the FSE disk buffer?Removing a file system from the FSE disk buffer Checking the consistency of the File System CatalogConsistency check of FSC vs. HSM file system Fsecheck --fsc-hsmfs PartitionName Types of inconsistenciesOwnerID 154336 Hsmfs NotesMigID 273932147200 FileSize 18691 REPORTING-BUGS REPORTING-BUGS MigID 273931007488 FileSize 2815Starting the consistency check Consistency check of FSC vs. FSE mediaOptions for consistency check of FSC against FSE media MigID MediaKey MedVolNum Inconsistency typesExample results of the FSC vs. FSE media consistency check Dump FRI Var/opt/fse Low storage space detectionVar/opt/fse/part Var/opt/fse/log HHM configuration fileGeneral HHM settings Triggered actions definitions Mail settingsKey Description Default value on Linux Windows Variable Description Examples or possible values Monitored items definitions Triggered actions section of the configuration fileCriticalActionLT FilesystemtypeCriticalThreshold CriticalActionGEMonitoring and maintaining FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Monitoring and maintaining FSE Modifying the contents of the HHM configuration file Configuring low storage space detectionListing the contents of the HHM configuration file Viewing FSE log files FSE log filesFSE event log /var/opt/fse/log/fse.log Configuring monitoring and analysis of FSE log filesMonitoring and analyzing FSE log files LogAnalyzerRules.py General configuration file# --- Debug LogAnalyzerActivityLog = /var/opt/fse/log/loganalyzermessages.log # --- To # To-Part of the mailheader # --- Subject # Subject-Part of the mailheader# --- From # From-Part of the mailheader Debug # Default is 1 minute# CommunityName # The community name of the machine SleepTimeServerName UseSMTPAuthenticationProcessFileFromBeginning IgnoreCaseRules = \ Rules configuration fileMailCurrentLogMessagesbj MailLogMessagesMailLogMessagessbj Action Name Description Starting the monitoring and analysis of log filesExample FSE event log Reconfiguring the monitoring and analysis of log filesFSE event log Logging FSE media operationsMonitoring and maintaining FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Windows specific HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Example FSE error log FSE error logHP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Monitoring and maintaining FSE Windows specific Monitoring and maintaining FSE HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Checklic checklic-output.txt Determining total offline storage capacityGenerated report conforms to the following example # cd /opt/fse/sbin/tools # ./checklicBackup, Restore, Recovery, Defining your backup strategyIntroduction, Defining your backup strategy, See HSM file system Recovery methods for FSE componentsFSE component Description Recovery method BackupWhat is FSE backup? # modprobe dm-snapshot Backup configuration file on Linux platformHow it works? PrerequisitesMODULESLOADEDONBOOT=dm-snapshot Backup media managementBackup process Preparation of already used media Configuring a backup media poolEstimating resources Preparation of new mediaFsebackup --medium Barcode --init Defining the backup policyBackup media recycling Estimating backup frequencyExamples of backing up to disk Starting FSE backupFsebackup command Example of backing up to disk and tape Example FSE backup log fileActivity logging Example of backing up to tapeCMD HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Aborting FSE backup RestoreWhat is FSE restore? Restore process Examples of restoring from disk Starting FSE restoreFserestore command Examples of retrieving backup images from tapeOpt/fse/lbin/fserestore.py -f /root/test.tar.bz2 Example FSE restore log fileFsebackup --device /dev/sg1 --offset 3 --count CMD Aborting FSE restore RecoveryPost-restore steps File System Catalog recoveryPrerequisite HSM file system recoveryHSM file system recovery procedure Enable the FSE partition Start the recovery of FSC\fserecover --hsmfs PartitionName Status of user data on the recovered HSM file system# fserecover --hsmfs PartitionName Backup, restore, and recovery Troubleshooting Examining the process list in Windows Task Manager FSE startup and shut-down problems# ps -ef grep CommandName Defaults to C\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE# rpm -qa grep fse- grep -v fse-gui.client.pkg Agent.pkg Cli-admin.pkg Common.pkg Server.pkg# ls -a /etc/opt/fse Cli-user.pkg Client.pkg Common.pkgResolve it OmniORB cannot work with such a configurationUse Task Manager to terminate the FSE processes Use the kill command to terminate the FSE processesTry to start them manually, the following error is reported Operating system tools to terminate all FSE processesIbserver pid 896 895 581 577 576 is running Firebird server problemsFirebird.sourceforge.net # /etc/init.d/firebird statusIt defaults to C\Program Files\Hewlett-Packard\FSE Communication problemsYou must restart FSE with the fse --restartcommand Service daemon serviceRun the command omniNames --statusand inspect its output Stop the FSE processes with the fse --stopcommandFsepartition --status PartitionName Use the command ps -ef grep fse-hsmDriver is disabled Scsi problemsCat /proc/scsi/scsi Etc/rc.d/rc.localHprescan -a # cat /proc/scsi/scsi Tape library problemsOptions scsimod maxscsiluns=255 # echo scsi scan-new-devices /proc/scsi/scsiFsedrive --remove Name Fselibrary --update-inventory LibraryName --rescanVolume Overflow 0x00,0x02 End-of-partition/medium detected Media management problemsFseError 11005 Medium overflow physical EOM Execution Problematic medium volumeIs known Into the RmdbWorkaround HSM file system mounting problems Fse --mount I\fse\fsefs01 \\?\Volume...\ \fse --dismount-ntfs VolumeNameFse --mount I\fse\fsefs01 \\?\Volume Fse --umount I\fse\fsefs01 \\?\Volume...\Fsepartition --add PartitionName Fsepartition --disable PartitionNameFsepartition --enable PartitionName Fsepartition --remove PartitionNameHSM file system mounting problems on HSM file system filter problemsFse --dismount-ntfs VolumeName Accessed for the first timeFsecheck --fsc-hsmfs PartitionName Fse --stopFse --start Prevent it from running out of free space Migration problemsStart writing to tape Runs out of free spaceFsefile --recall --id PartitionName FileID --into Path Fsefile --history FileNameMigration of the file is started FSE error logFile DirectoryPath/FileName CompleteUnusable FSE medium to become good usable Recall problemsUse the ps -ef grep fse-hsmcommand for this purpose Has been allocated for recallScanning against viruses Recall them manually Backup, restore, and recovery problemsNot indicate data loss \fse --stop Section Verifying and repairing the installed FSE softwareFSE Windows Service stopped Status of the medium will be empty FSE backup cannot be startedFile backup.pid and start FSE backup once again Layout# modprobe dm-snapshot Dm-snapshot to the variable Modulesloadedonboot in the fileEtc/sysconfig/kernel, like shown in the following example To directories cannot be shared Sharing problemsFsefile --migrate FileName Other problemsAcpi=oldboot pci=noacpi apm=power-off On this partition Directory and its contents from the external FSE clientFollowing message is written to the FSE event log No space left on deviceExplanation Workaround File System Catalog recovery onIs running on the associated FSE partition LogFor files that cannot be deleted FSE troubleshooting tools Tool name Description Debugging and operation fine-tuning optionsDebugging FSE processes Var/opt/fse/log/debug InstallPath%\var\log\debugDebugging options ExampleInstallPath%\var\log\error.log Var/opt/fse/log/error.logWindows specific Flag value Description Operation fine-tuning options Export HSMLASERIALUNLOAD=yes Export HSMFRISAFETYBUFTAPE=1000Export HSMPTDIRECT=no Export HSMBEAVERIFYPOSITION=ALWAYSRestart the syslogd daemon Debugging FSE backup and restore processesDebugging HSM file system filter Checklist for required information Potential problems with debuggingGathering information about your problem Backup or restore debugging results in job failureContact FSE error codes1003 9991001 10022007 20042005 20063004 30013002 30034026 40234024 40258007 80048005 800610005 1000210003 1000413005 1300213003 13004Opt/fse/lbin OmniNames commandOpt/fse/bin Opt/fse/docPath on Linux platform Path on Windows platform Contents FSE configuration templates Libraryhostname Template for FSE librariesSlots Slots = 1-15 # Tips Template for FSE drivesHP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide Template for LTO media pools SysVolLocation = None SizeOfSysVol = 0MB Template for disk media pools Write-Once-Read-Many file system Template for FSE partitions General partTemplate for FSE partitions Migration part Template for FSE partitions Release part FSE configuration templates Template for FSE partitions Recall and Allocation part Template for FSE partitions Deletion part Template for FSE system configuration FSE configuration templates Media pool FSE media pool File System Catalog FSC FSE configuration file templateConfiguration file External client FSE external clientSee media duplication Needs cleaning or servicingOwn deletion policy Disk bufferAlso Data Location Catalog DLC and Name Space Catalog NSC See recovery FSE recoverySee recovery FSE recovery, recovery job Mode LAM FSE job It, you must use forced initializationJob Retention time See Medium Auxiliary Memory MAMMedium Set to unusable Offline mediumLibrary Online mediumRecall, recall job An FSE users request with the fserecover commandRecovery job InstallPath%\var\rmdb directory on Windows platformSee media pool FSE media pool FSE implementationUnusable medium Is set by enabling the drive with the fsedrive commandUltrium See LTO Ultrium320 Index 184 Default job priority policy 144Default partition allocation policy Configuring, consolidated FSE system GUI HP StorageWorks File System Extender Software user guide 326 Media 117, 119 media pools FSE Management Console GUI 57 status check328
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File System Extender (FSE) specifications

HP File System Extender (FSE) is a sophisticated solution designed to optimize data storage management for enterprises that deal with large volumes of unstructured data. This technology addresses the challenges of data growth and the need for effective data retention strategies, enabling organizations to store and manage their information more efficiently.

One of the main features of HP FSE is its ability to intelligently migrate data between primary and secondary storage. By utilizing policies that determine when to move infrequently accessed files to lower-cost storage environments, FSE helps reduce the strain on primary storage systems and saves on costs associated with high-performance storage solutions. This tiered approach to data management ensures that organizations can access the data they need quickly while still maintaining an efficient overall storage architecture.

Another notable characteristic of HP FSE is its seamless integration with existing storage infrastructures. The solution works with a variety of storage systems, allowing organizations to utilize their current investments without the need for significant changes to their infrastructure. This interoperability is powered by advanced technologies that facilitate data migration and retrieval, ensuring a smooth transition for organizations looking to optimize their storage strategies.

Additionally, HP FSE is equipped with robust reporting and analytics capabilities. This functionality provides organizations with insights into their storage usage, helping them understand data patterns and optimize their storage environments accordingly. By having visibility into which files are accessed most frequently and which are rarely used, organizations can make informed decisions on data retention policies and storage management.

Security is paramount in data management, and HP FSE addresses this concern by implementing advanced data protection features. This includes data encryption, secure access controls, and compliance with industry regulations, ensuring that sensitive information is safeguarded throughout its lifecycle.

Overall, HP File System Extender is a comprehensive data storage solution that combines intelligent data management, seamless integration, insightful analytics, and robust security features. By leveraging these capabilities, organizations can efficiently manage their unstructured data, lower costs, and enhance operational efficiency, making it an invaluable tool in today’s data-driven landscape.