24Installation overview Mounting a software disc
After you complete an installation procedure, delete the .rhosts file from each user’s $HOME directory to ensure security:
For more information on configuring the remote shell, see the operating system documentation and the remsh(1M) manual page .
Mounting a software disc
Veritas software is provided on a disc.
To mount the software disc
1Place the Veritas software disc into a DVD drive connected to your system and log in as superuser.
2Determine the block device file for the DVD drive:
# ioscan
Make a note of the device file as it applies to your system.
3Create a directory in which to mount the software disc and mount the disc using the appropriate drive name. For example:
4Verify that the disc is mounted:
# mount
5Change to the appropriate directory and product subdirectory to view the product release notes and installation guides, to install the products.
Downloading the Storage Foundation and High Availability software
One method of obtaining the Storage Foundation and High Availability software is to download it to your local system from the Symantec Web site.
If you download a standalone Veritas product, use the swinstall command to install the product.