12Product overview
Storage Foundation Cluster File System
Storage Foundation Cluster File System
Before you install this product, complete the following tasks:
■Read the product release notes.
■Review the preliminary information.
■Follow the instructions in the Storage Foundation Installation Guide. These documents are located at the following directories in the release media.
About Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System
Veritas Storage Foundation Cluster File System by Symantec extends Veritas File System and Veritas Volume Manager to support shared data in a storage area network (SAN) environment. Using Storage Foundation Cluster File System, multiple servers can concurrently access shared storage and files transparently to applications.
Storage Foundation Cluster File System HA adds the failover functionality. This functionality can protect everything from a single critical database instance to very large
Storage Foundation for Oracle RAC
Before you install this product, review the preliminary information.
Before you start the installation, read the component product release notes and installation guide.
These documents are located at the following directories in the release media.
About Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle® RAC
Veritas Storage Foundation for Oracle® RAC is an integrated suite of Veritas storage management and