Migrating NIS+ to LDAP
•AutoFS is a
Save a copy of the /etc/nsswitch.conf file and modify the original to add an entry for LDAP support to the automount service as follows:
automount: files ldap
Refer to the /etc/nsswitch.ldap file for a sample.
For the detailed information on how to configure
•Run the setup program. The setup program provides the following assistance:
—Extends your Netscape directory schema with the configuration profile schema, if not already done
—Extends your Netscape directory schema with the LDAP printer schema if you choose to start the LDAP printer configurator
—Extends your Netscape directory schema with the automount schema if you choose to migrate AutoFS maps to the Netscape Directory Server
—Extends your Netscape directory schema with the public key schema if you choose to migrate the NIS+ credential table entries with public key/security key to the Netscape Directory Server
—Provides the option to enable SSL for secure communication between LDAP clients and Netscape Directory Servers
—Optionally configures SASL
—Creates a configuration profile entry in your Netscape directory from information you provide
—Updates the local client’s
(/etc/opt/ldapux/ldapux_client.conf) with your directory and configuration profile location
—Downloads the configuration profile from the directory to your local client system
—Configures a proxy user for the client, if needed
—Starts the Client Daemon if you choose to start it
Chapter 2 | 33 |