Templates and Alerts
Buffer Overflow Template
The vulnerability addressed by this template
How this template addresses the vulnerability
Buffer Overflow Template
All buffer overflow attacks (e.g., stack smashing,
•Overflowing a buffer on the stack to modify the return address in an activation record
•Overflowing a buffer on the heap to modify a free memory header so that the heap memory allocation code subsequently overwrites a function’s return address.
•Overflowing a buffer in the data segment in order to overwrite an adjacent variable containing a function pointer so that a subsequent dereferencing of the variable results in the execution of malicious code.
The Buffer Overflow (BO) template monitors attack patterns that are indicative of various types of buffer overflow attacks and reports
Specifically, the template monitors privileged setuid programs for the following:
•The privileged setuid program was invoked with an unusually long program argument(s).
•The privileged setuid program was invoked with program argument(s) that contain non printable characters (e.g., could be CPU opcodes).
The template also reports when the kernel has detected that a program has attempted to execute on its stack (perhaps as part of a stack buffer overflow attack).
134 | Appendix A |