Agent complains that idds has not been enabled, yet lsdev shows /dev/idds is present
❏If your lsdev result shows /dev/idds is present, and yet the idsagent
$ /usr/sbin/kmtune -q enable_idds
There are three possible results:
•If the value of the kernel tunable enable_idds is 0, that means IDDS is not enabled. You’ll need to run the following to rebuild the kernel:
$ /usr/sbin/kmtune -s enable_idds=1 $ mk_kernel
$ kmupdate
Then, reboot the machine and verify again with: $ /usr/sbin/kmtune
•If the result is:
kmtune: Cannot identify parameter name enable_idds
then the patches (for
•If the result is enable_idds=1, then the kernel was built correctly with idds enabled. The problem lies elsewhere. Contact HP Support.
NOTE | In |
| syntax shown remains the same. |
Agent does not start on system boot
❏When the agent system boots, the “Starting
SKIP means the communications certificates have never been generated for the agent system.
FAIL means one of the following has occurred:
—The communications certificates were generated for the agent system but have been deleted or moved. Generate the certificates as described in “Setting Up the
—An error occurred when the idsagent daemon was started. Check error.log.
—The /etc/rc.config.d/ids defaults file is missing.
—The /opt/ids/bin/idsagent program is missing or not executable.
❏See “Agent does not start after installation” on page 243.
Appendix G | 241 |