You can also import your own clip art, save clip art as a new image, frame, background, or shape, or save other items as new clip art. When compared with images, clip art items are generally smaller in file size.
26Working with Backgrounds
A background is an image that instantly fills the entire workspace when you select it.
•To place a background in your workspace, click the Backgrounds tab to view the thumbnails and then click or drag the one you want.
You can move, resize, and rotate backgrounds, change their color to black and white or sepia, and change their transparency. You can also import your own backgrounds, save a background as a new image, clip art, or frame, or save other items as new backgrounds. Placing a back- ground inside a shape allows you to resize and move it around so that, in effect, you are cropping the background. And because you can apply a frame to a shape, you can easily put a border around the background of your page.