4 Performance Considerations
Consider the following when evaluating performance on a MultiSeat solution:
●Each client session, including the host system, will offer native resolution of the monitor attached to the client/host. The MultiPoint operating system does not attempt to reduce the resolution or color depth of each session.
●Performance will be a factor of the application running in each session and the number of client sessions running per host system.
●The best and simplest path to gain better performance is to ensure the best fit of the MultiSeat host system, Essential or Extended configurations, with the main use of the MultiSeat solution.
●MultiPoint operating system user sessions have the Internet Explorer 8 browser installed. It is strongly recommend that compatibility mode is used to mitigate any compatibility issues with older websites.
●Next, you must ensure the best fit for the number of clients attached to each host system. The best reference for this is the Microsoft TechNet. See External Links on page 10.
8 Chapter 4 Performance Considerations