Send the bundle to support@fusionio.com, and request assistance in debugging a performance issue. [Reviewers: how do HP customers handle this?]
Below is an example of a bandwidth error reported by
Root Bridge PCIe 3000 MB/sec
Bridge 00:02.00
*Needed 3000 MB/sec Avail 2000 MB/sec
Bridge 01:00.00
*Needed 3000 MB/sec Avail 2000 MB/sec
Bridge 02:00.00
Needed 1000 MB/sec Avail 1000 MB/sec
ioDrive 03:00.0 Firmware 14071
Handling PCIe errors
Data errors might be introduced when data is passed across the bus.
PCIe detects, and in many situations, corrects, data errors. These errors can also be detected by running the
If such errors are detected on your system:
1.Reseat all risers and IO Accelerators in the system.
2.Run some significant data to and from the IO Accelerator in question and check for errors again.
3.If the errors continue, the most common culprit is a riser card. Install a different riser card.
4.If errors persist, install a different motherboard.
5.If errors persist, install a new IO Accelerator.
The IO Accelerator causes PCI errors to show up faster than other devices do. Because of the high performance, the IO Accelerator is demanding on the PCI Express bus, showing errors in the system that other devices might not be able to uncover.
If multiple cards are installed in the system, use the
Debugging performance issues 11