2.To import all photos, select Import All Photos.
To import individual photos, select Select Photos to Import.
3.Use to scroll through the photos, and then press ‘+’ to select the desired photos to import
4.Press , and then select Import Selected Photos.
Delete Photos from Internal Memory
You can delete photo files from the DPF’s internal memory, but not from an external media source (i.e., memory card). Refer to your media source documentation for instructions on deleting files from these devices.
TIPS: It is recommended to make backup copies of the photos before you delete them from the DPF. Be sure you have Internal Memory as your selected media source.
1.On the HOME screen, select the
2.To delete all photos, press , and then select Delete All.
To delete individual photos, use to highlight the photos you want to delete, press ‘+’ to select
, and then select Delete Selected.
3.A confirmation message appears; select Yes to delete the photos, or No to keep the photos in the internal memory.
TIP: If, by mistake, you select Yes to delete photos, press to cancel the delete operation. Photos already deleted will not be automatically restored.
The DPF can display all of the photos on the selected media source as a slideshow, or you can select specific photos for a custom slideshow.
Slideshow of Photos in Internal Memory
You can play a slideshow of the photos stored in the DPF’s internal memory by simply powering on the DPF (with no external media source inserted) and then wait for the slideshow to automatically begin.
Slideshow of Photos on your Media Source
Insert an external media source and then power on the DPF; the slideshow will begin displaying your photos.
If you insert a media source after power on, a memory card option screen is displayed; select Start Slideshow.
Slideshow Folders
There are five category folders in the internal memory into which you can assign photo files for personalized organization and slideshows (these folder names cannot be changed):
Family – Vacation – Events – Others
Only photos stored in the internal memory can be assigned to the slideshow folders. Assigned photos are not physically moved or copied into the folders, rather, a link is assigned to the photo so it appears to be located in the folder. If you delete the actual photo file from internal memory, the link to the folder will also be deleted.
Assign Photos to Slideshow Folder
1.On the HOME screen, select the
2.On the Photo Thumbnails screen, use to scroll through your photos.