1.Enter the number you want to convert.
2.Press [ 2nd ] [ CONV ] to display the units menu. There are 7 menus, covering distance, area, temperature, capacity, weight, energy, and pressure.
3.Press [ ] or [
] to scroll through the list of units until the
appropriate units menu is shown, then press [] .
4.Press [ ] or [
] to convert the number to the highlighted unit.
Physics Constants
You can use the following physics constants in your calculations:
Symbol Meaning | Value | |
c | Speed of light | 299792458 m / s |
g | Acceleration of gravity | 9.80665 m.s |
G | Gravitational constant | 6.6725985 × 10 |
Vm | Molar volume of ideal gas | 0.0224141 m 3 mol |
NA | Avogadro’s number | 6.022136736 × 10 23 mol |
e | Elementary charge | 1.602177335 × 10 |
me | Electron mass | 9.109389754 × 10 |
mp | Proton mass | 1.67262311 × 10 |
h | Planck’s constant | 6.62607554 × 10 |
k | Boltzmann’s constant | 1.38065812 × 10 |
IR | Gas constant | 8.3145107 J / mol • k |
IF | Faraday constant | 96485.30929 C / mol |
mn | Neutron constant | 1.67492861 × 10 |
µ | Atomic mass constant | 1.66054021 × 10 |
ε0 | Dielectric permittivity | 8.854187818 × 10 |
µ0 | Magnetic permittivity | 1.256637061 × 10 |
φ0 | Flux quantum | 2.067834616 × 10 |
a 0 | Bohr radius | 5.291772492 × 10 |
µB | Bohr magneton | 9.274015431 × 10 |
µN | Nuclear magneton | 5.050786617 × 10 |
All physical constants in this manual are based on the 1986 CODATA recommended values of the fundamental physical constants.
To insert a constant: