HP R725, R727 manual Riproduzione vedere Vista dal vivo e Riproduzione a pagina

Page 55

Riproduzione (vedere Vista dal vivo e Riproduzione a pagina 20).

6Pulsante otturatore.

7 Pulsante video.

8Spia di accensione.

9Pulsante .

10Cinghietta da polso.

11Leva zoom (digitale e ottico): Nella vista dal vivo, premere per aumentare l'ingrandimento oppure per diminuirlo. Nella modalità Riproduzione, premere per ingrandire l'immagine selezionata

oppure per visualizzare delle anteprime delle immagini.

12Pulsante modalità di scatto: Premere per accedere al menu delle modalità di scatto quando è attivata la vista dal vivo. Le impostazioni della modalità di scatto sono Automatica, Panorama, Ritratto, Teatro, Panoramica verso destra, Panoramica verso sinistra, Azione, Ritratto notturno, Scenario notturno, Spiaggia, Neve, Tramonto, Documento.

13Pulsanti e : Consentono di scorrere i menu e le immagini.

14Pulsante : Consente di visualizzare i menu della fotocamera, selezionare le opzioni e confermare le azioni.

15Spia di ricarica della batteria.

16 Pulsante eliminazione: Consente di accedere alla funzione Elimina quando è attiva la modalità Riproduzione.

17Display LCD.


Informazioni preliminari


Image 55
Contents HP Photosmart R725/R727 Digital Camera For future reference, enter the following information Legal and notice informationContents Getting started Accessing the electronic User GuideQuick Start Guide Electronic User Guide Getting started 4 5 6 Camera top and backEnglish Camera dock insert Camera front and bottomTurn on the camera Install the batteryCharge the battery CameraSet the region Choose the languageSet the date and time Install the software Install and format an optional memory cardWindows Take a still picture Taking picturesRecord a video clip English Review images and video clips Reviewing and deleting images and video clipsDelete an image Transfer images Transferring and printing imagesPrint images from the camera Transferring and printing images Live View and Playback Camera quick referenceMenus Options MenuEnglish Menu Options Photosmart Express Menu OptionsHP Photosmart R725/R727 Digital Camera Appareil photo numérique HP Photosmart R725/R727 Informations légales et remarques Français Sommaire Guide de prise en main rapide Prise en mainAccéder au Guide de lutilisateur au format électronique Obtenir une assistance Dessus et arrière de lappareil photoBouton Vidéo Voyant dalimentation Attache sangle Façade et dessous de lappareil photo Kit dadaptation de la station daccueil Chargement de la batterie Installation de la batteriePréparation de votre Appareil photoChoix de la langue Mise en marche de l’appareil photoSélection de la région Réglage de la date et de lheure Installation et formatage dune carte mémoire en optionInstallation du logiciel Windows Prise dune photo Prises de vue etEnregistrement de Clips vidéoEnregistrement dun clip vidéo Suppression dune image Revisualisation des images et des clips vidéoUtilisez pour sélectionner Cette image, puis appuyez sur Transfert dimages Transfert et impression dimagesImpression dimages à partir de lappareil photo Photo Guide de référencePrévisualisation et Lecture Compens. exposition Français Utilisation de la Galerie Appareil photo numérique HP Photosmart R725/R727 Fotocamera digitale HP Photosmart R725/R727 Per riferimento in futuro, inserire le seguenti informazioni Trasferimento e stampa delle immagini Configurazione della fotocameraVisione e cancellazione di immagini e SommarioQuesta guida rapida InformazionipreliminariAccesso alla Guida duso online Parte superiore e posteriore della fotocamera Riproduzione vedere Vista dal vivo e Riproduzione a pagina Inserto dellalloggiamento per la fotocamera Lati anteriore e inferiore della fotocameraItaliano Carica della batteria Installazione della batteriaImpostazione della data e dellora Accensione della fotocameraScelta della lingua Impostazione della regioneItaliano Installazione del software Macintosh Scatto delle foto Foto e videoclipRegistrazione di videoclip Italiano Cancellazione di unimmagine Visione e cancellazione di immagini e videoclipVisione di immagini e videoclip Trasferimento delle immagini Trasferimento e stampa delle immaginiStampa delle immagini della fotocamera Vista dal vivo e Riproduzione Riferimento rapido per la fotocameraMenu Riproduzione consente Menu OpzioniItaliano Menu Opzioni Photosmart Express Fotocamera digitale HP Photosmart R725/R727 HP Photosmart R725/R727 Digitalkamera Notieren Sie für zukünftige Nachfragen die folgenden Daten Rechtliche HinweiseÜbertragen und Drucken von Bildern InhaltAufnehmen von Bildern und Videoclips Betrachten und Löschen von Bildern undKurzeinführung Elektronisches Benutzerhandbuch Erste SchritteZugreifen auf das elektronische Benutzerhandbuch Ober- und Rückseite der Kamera Mode Modus, Taste Drücken Sie auf das Symbol Dockingeinsatz für die Kamera Vorder- und Unterseite der KameraDeutsch Einsetzen der Batterie EinrichtenKamera IhrerAufladen der Batterie Auswählen der Sprache Einschalten der KameraEinstellen der Region Einsetzen und Formatieren einer optionalen Speicherkarte Einstellen von Datum und UhrzeitInstallieren der Software Windows Aufnehmen eines Einzelbilds Aufnehmen von Bildern und VideoclipsVorschau befindet Aufnehmen eines Videoclips Betrachten von Bildern und Videoclips Betrachten und Löschen von Bildern und VideoclipsLöschen eines Bilds Deutsch Übertragen von Bildern Übertragen und Drucken von BildernDrucken von Bildern von der Kamera aus Vorschau und Wiedergabe Kurzreferenz für KamerafunktionenMenüs Optionen MenüDeutsch Menü Optionen Photosmart Express Menü OptionenCámara digital HP Photosmart R725/R727 Introduzca la siguiente información para referencias futuras Información legal y advertenciasTransferencia e impresión de imágenes ContenidoToma de imágenes y grabación de Revisión y eliminación de imágenes yGuía de comienzo rápido Guía del usuario Electrónica ProcedimientosinicialesAcceder a la Guía del usuario electrónica Cámara, parte superior y posterior Español Accesorio de la base para la cámara Cámara, parte frontal e inferiorEspañol Instalación de la pila CámaraCarga de la pila Ajuste de la fecha y la hora Encendido de la cámaraElección del idioma Selección de la regiónInstalación y formateo de una tarjeta de memoria opcional Instale el software Español Toma de una imagen fija Toma de imágenes yGrabación de VideoclipsGrabación de un videoclip Revisión de imágenes y videoclips Revisión y eliminación de imágenes y videoclipsEliminación de una imagen Utilice para seleccionar Esta imagen, y pulse Transferencia de imágenes Transferencia e impresión de imágenesImpresión de imágenes desde la cámara Menús Referencia rápida deLa cámara Vista en directo y ReproducciónLos menús y las opciones son Menú Opciones Reproducción permite Configuración permiteMenú Opciones HP Photosmart R725/R727 Digitale camera Voer de volgende gegevens in als geheugensteun Wettelijke kennisgevingenOpnames overbrengen en afdrukken InhoudsopgaveFotos maken en videoclips opnemen Fotos en videoclips bekijken enIntroductiegids Elektronische Gebruikershandleiding Aan de slagDe elektronische gebruikershandleiding raadplegen Bovenkant en achterkant van de camera Knop Video Aan/uit-lampje Bevestigingspunt voor polsbandje Dockinzetstuk van de camera Voor- en onderzijde van de cameraNederlands De batterij plaatsen De camera instellenDe batterij opladen Datum en tijd instellen De camera aanzettenDe taal kiezen De regio instellenEen optionele geheugenkaart installeren en formatteren De software installeren Plaats de HP Photosmart Software CD in het cd- rom-station Een foto nemen Fotos maken enEen videoclip opnemen Nederlands Een opname verwijderen Bekijken enVerwijderen Fotos en videoclips bekijkenOpnames overbrengen Opnamesoverbrengen en afdrukkenOpnames afdrukken vanaf de camera Liveweergave en Weergave Beknopt overzicht van de cameraOpties Menus en bijbehorende optiesNederlands Menu Met Photosmart HP Photosmart R725/R727 Digitale camera Câmera digital HP Photosmart R725/R727 Descarte de equipamento residencial na União Européia Informações legais e avisosPara referência futura, preencha as seguintes informações Transferir e imprimir imagens ConteúdoTirar fotos e gravar clipes de vídeo Rever e excluir imagens e clipes de vídeoGuia de Início Rápido Versão eletrônica do Guia Do Usuário Primeiros passosObter assistência Acessar a versão eletrônica do Guia do UsuárioPartes superior e traseira da câmera Português Suporte da estação de acoplamento da câmera Partes frontal e inferior da câmeraPortuguês Instalar a bateria Preparar a câmeraCarregar a bateria Definir a região Configurar data e horaLigue a câmera Escolher o idiomaInstalar e formatar cartão de memória opcional Instalar o software Português Gravar um clipe de vídeo Tirar fotos e gravarClipes de vídeo Tirar uma foto estáticaPortuguês Rever imagens e clipes de vídeo Rever e excluirImagens e clipes de VídeoImagens Transferir e imprimirTransferir imagens Imprimir imagens diretamente da câmera Câmera Referência rápida daExibição ao vivo e Reproduzir Reproduzir permite Menu OpçõesPortuguês Menu Opções Photosmart Express Reproduzir, vê-se o menu Photosmart ExpressCâmera digital HP Photosmart R725/R727 Page תירבע תויורשפא טירפת Photosmart Express טירפת menuUSB תיירלג Design Gallery תויורשפא תויורשפאו םיטירפתתרזוח הנרקהו היח הגוצת המלצמב ריהמ ןויעםיטירפת Print Setup Menu תונומת תרבעה תונומתהמלצמהמ תונומת תספדה ואדיו יעטקו תונומת תגצה ואדיו יעטקוהנומת תקיחמ ואדיו ןצחלה לע תינש ץחל ,ואדיו תטלקה תקספהל ותוא ררחשו סליטס תנומת םוליצ ואדיו יעטקואדיו עטק תטלקה םיסוריו ינפמ הנכותה תנקתה ילנויצפוא ןורכיז סיטרכ לש לוחתאו הנקתהרוזא/הנידמ תריחב הפש תריחבהעשו ךיראת תרדגה המלצמה תלעפה המלצמה תרדגההללוסה תנקתה הללוסה תניעטהמלצמל הניגע תנחתל תבשות המלצמה לש ןותחתהו ימדקה הקלחתונומתהו םיטירפתה ןיב הלילג -ו המלצמה לש ירוחאהו ןוילעה הקלח HP Solution Center תא חתפ Windows תכרעמב הריהמ הלחתה ךירדמ ךרדה תליחתשמתשמל ןווקמה ךירדמל השיג הייקיתב readme ץבוק תא חתפ Macintosh תכרעמבםיניינע ןכות םיאבה םיטרפה תא אלמ ,תוידיתע תוינפ ךרוצל תועדוהו יטפשמ עדימתילטיגיד המלצמ HP Photosmart R725/R727
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R727, R725 specifications

HP R725 and R727 are powerful mobile computers designed for professionals who require robust performance and reliability. These devices are part of HP's elite series, engineered to handle demanding tasks while offering advanced features and technologies.

Both models are equipped with AMD Ryzen processors, providing exceptional processing power and efficiency. This enables seamless multitasking and the ability to run resource-intensive applications, making them ideal for engineers, designers, and business professionals. The R725 and R727 support high-speed RAM configurations, ensuring smooth performance even under heavy workloads.

One of the standout features of the R725 and R727 is their display technology. They come with vibrant Full HD screens that offer sharp visuals and excellent color reproduction. The anti-glare coating is particularly beneficial for users who work in various lighting conditions, minimizing reflections and enhancing visibility. With touch functionality available in some models, users can navigate intuitively, increasing productivity.

When it comes to connectivity, both models boast an array of ports including USB-C, USB 3.1, HDMI, and an Ethernet port, catering to diverse connectivity needs. The inclusion of Wi-Fi 6 ensures faster internet speeds and improved connectivity in crowded environments. Bluetooth support allows for easy connection to wireless peripherals, facilitating a cable-free workspace.

Security is a top priority for HP, and both the R725 and R727 incorporate features such as a fingerprint reader and a privacy camera shutter to protect sensitive information. These devices also support hardware-based security protocols, ensuring that data remains secure against potential threats.

Battery life is another notable aspect, with both models designed to last through long workdays. Rapid charging capabilities allow users to quickly recharge their devices, minimizing downtime.

The build quality of the R725 and R727 reflects HP's commitment to durability. They feature a sturdy chassis that can withstand daily wear and tear, making them suitable for professionals on the go.

Overall, the HP R725 and R727 are equipped with cutting-edge technologies and characteristics that make them ideal for users seeking high performance, security, and durability in a mobile computing solution. With their powerful processors, advanced displays, and comprehensive connectivity options, these devices represent a significant investment for anyone serious about their work.