Capturing video to a video project
You can capture live video or still images by connecting a Web camera or digital video camera to your PC’s USB connector. The video capture is added to your video project and stored in a file on your hard disk drive.
To add a video capture to a video project:
1Click File, Open Project, and then select a video project that you created as described in “Creating a Video Project” on page 75.
2Connect your digital camera to the USB port.
3Click Capture Video to display the Capture screen.
Sonic MyDVD displays the name of the capture device (your camera), the default capture type (audio and video), and the default quality setting (DV format).
4Click Record Settings to edit any of these default settings.
5Optionally, set capture length, chapter points, or scene detection. Click the corresponding Help icon to display the online help for each of these features.
6Click one of the following:
•Grab Frame — The image currently displayed in the Capture window is stored as a picture file (.jpg, .bmp, .gif, .tif, or .png format).
•Start Capturing — Starts a video capture (.mpeg format).
7Click Stop Capturing to manually stop the capture if you did not set a capture length (step 5).
8In the Save As dialog box, name the captured file, and select the file format and the folder where you want to save it. Click Save.
9Click OK to return to the project window.
The file is stored on your hard disk drive and added to the current project.