T H E H P S t o r a g e w o r k s X 510 D a t a V a u l t
data proteCTION
just got lESS puzzling
If, like many small business firms, you are sharing a broadband connection among a group of loosely connected PCs or Macs
1 E A S E O F U S E
Automated backups, easy file restoration, hot swapping and quick setup (plug in the power cord, connect Ethernet cable, press the power button and it is ready to go in 60 seconds).
2 E X PA N S I O N
Four internal bays, one external eSATA port and four USB ports (one front, three back).
3 R E L I A B I L I T Y
Disaster recovery, HP quality and security features that prevent unauthorized access.
4 VA L U E
Efficiently use all of your disk space with