HP 3PAR Software Products
Product Specifications - HP 3PAR OS Host Software
HP 3PAR Operating System Software
(also available as HP 3PAR Operating System Suite on HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 and 10000 Storage)
Overview | The software foundation of 3PAR® Utility Storage is the HP 3PAR Operating System, which utilizes |
| advanced internal virtualization capabilities to increase administrative efficiency, system utilization, and | ||
| storage performance. |
| The HP 3PAR OS includes the following functionality and features: |
| HP 3PAR Persistent Ports |
| HP 3PAR Web Services API |
| HP 3PAR OS Administration Tools |
| HP 3PAR Rapid Provisioning |
| HP 3PAR Autonomic Groups |
| HP 3PAR Scheduler |
| HP 3PAR Persistent Cache |
| HP 3PAR Full Copy |
| HP 3PAR Access Guard |
| HP 3PAR Thin Copy Reclamation |
| HP 3PAR LDAP Support |
Models | HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x146GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE166B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x1TB NL Magazine LTU | TE172B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x300GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE168B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x400GB 10K Magazine LTU | TE170B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x450GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE224B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x50GB SSD Magazine LTU | TE281B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x600GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE309B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x2TB NL Magazine LTU | TE368B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x100GB SSD Magazine LTU | TE751B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x200GB SSD Magazine LTU | TE779B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x300GB SAS LTU | BC523A* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x450GB SAS LTU | BC524A* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x900GB SAS LTU | BC525A* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F200/4x2TB SAS LTU | BC526A* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x146GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE167B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x1TB NL Magazine LTU | TE173B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x300GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE169B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x400GB 10K Magazine LTU | TE171B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x450GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE225B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x50GB SSD Magazine LTU | TE282B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x600GB 15K Magazine LTU | TE310B* | |
| HP 3PAR InForm F400/4x2TB NL Magazine LTU | TE369B* | |
| DA - 13964 Worldwide — Version 14 — December 9, 2013 | Page 2 |