e.Click OK.
f.Click OK to exit the JETCET dialog box.
NOTE: For more information, refer to the JETCET user guide at http://www.westtek.com/support/ pocketpc/jetcet.html.
NOTE: Internet Explorer uses LPT1 as its default printer port. If you want to print using a different port, in Internet Explorer, select File > Page Setup and select the port to which to print.
The Keyboard Properties dialog box allows you to configure your keyboard.
Repeat delay determines how long you must hold down a key before its character starts repeating.
Repeat rate determines how quickly a character repeatedly displays on screen when the key is held down.
If you are a legacy user, see Regional Settings on page 44 to change keyboard settings.
Select Disable local Windows key combinations (e.g. ALT+TAB) to disable the passing of hot keys to the terminal service server.
Select Boot time Num Lock state (On/Off) to enable Num Lock on the client.
LPD Control
The LPD Control dialog box allows you to set the terminal up as a line printer (print server).
NOTE: HP Compaq t5300 thin client models do not have legacy ports. Therefore, the LPD Control program will not appear in the Control Panel for those systems.
Keyboard 37