Creating Presets
After making adjustments to the settings in either OSD mode or Wizard mode, you can save your settings as a preset. The preset dialog options are available on the File tab.
1.Adjust the settings in OSD mode or Wizard mode.
2.Click the File tab and enter a new file name by highlighting the current file name in the Enter Preset name box and typing a new name. The file name that was highlighted and typed over will not be overwritten or deleted.
3.Click the Save button. The new file name will be added to the Select Preset name
4.If you want to make the new preset the default preset, click the Make this Preset the default check box so that a check mark appears in the box.
Modifying Presets
Each time you adjust a setting and close HP Display Assistant you will be prompted to save your settings as a preset. You can create a new preset or modify an existing one. To modify an existing preset:
1.Adjust the settings in OSD mode or Wizard mode.
2.Click the File tab and select the preset you want to modify from the Select Preset name drop- down list.
3.Click the Save button.
4.When prompted with a message asking if you want to overwrite the existing preset, click the Yes button.
NOTE: The Factory Default Preset can not be modified.
Loading Presets
There are two ways to load a saved preset: from within HP Display Assistant or from the desktop.
To load a preset from within HP Display Assistant, click the File tab, select a preset from the Select Preset name
To load a preset from the desktop,
NOTE: The desktop context sensitive menu can be turned on or off in the Preferences pane on the Options tab.
Deleting Presets
To delete a preset, select the file name from the Select Preset name
NOTE: Once a preset has been deleted, it can not be restored. The Factory Default Preset can not be deleted.
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